3.3.5a Realmlist/Logging into game server

Servers running showing no issues.
Set worldserver to show timestamps and set logo level to debug.

reload config

Worked, logs now show timestamps.

Still nothing when I try to select the realm.

Client shows “Logging into game server” for a fraction of a second and I am back to the realmlist.

What did I miss?
How could I get more details?

Stumbled over a duct taping solution by just looking into all queries the debuglog of theauthserver mentions.

in the database the realms also have addresses. And the address there was set it to an IP that an be reached externally, now it works.

But I don’t really know what I did there.

So I would still be interested in the proper solution.

you did well assuming you want to connect externally (instead of IP you can also set a dns).

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Is that just how it works or should I have set that IP/Name somewhere else in the setup already?

I think this is my main concern after sleeping on this a few times.

Because if this is just how it is supposed to work and I did not miss it in previous step I will just add a .sql file to my personal wiki.

Oh, and yes, the server does not run on the same system as the client. So in hindsight I understand that is just the address of the realm. Which is communicated to the client and then the client tries to connect to exactly that address, correct? That was my understanding after some time has passed.

Yes this is it how it works.

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