A Rough Ride (12536) Db Fix Questions


I am currently trying to fix quest A Rough Ride (http://old.wowhead.com/12536), but i am experiencing a few problems.

This is the full query:

-- [QUEST] A Rough Ride (12536) -- NPC entry 28298 (Captive Crocolisk) SET @ENTRY := 28298; SET @GOSSIP := 9674; SET @TEXT_ID := 13120; UPDATE `creature_template ` SET `gossip_ menu_id`=@GOSSIP, ` npcflag`=npcflag|1, ` VehicleId`=0 WHERE ` entry`=@ENTRY; DELETE FROM `gossip _menu` WHERE ` entry`=@GOSSIP; INSERT INTO `gossip _menu` (`entry` , `text_id `) VALUES (@GOSSIP, @ TEXT_ID); -- Added condition so player can only select it once he has the quest SET @GOSSIP_ENTRY := 9674; SET @QUEST := 12536; DELETE FROM `conditions` WHERE `SourceGroup`=@GOSSIP_ ENTRY AND `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=15 ; INSERT INTO `conditions` (`SourceTypeOrReferenceId`, `SourceGroup`, `SourceEntry` , `ElseGroup`, `ConditionTypeOrReference`, `ConditionValue 1`, `ConditionValue2 `, `ConditionValue3` , `ErrorTextId`, ` ScriptName`, `Comment`) VALUES (15, @ GOSSIP_ENTRY, 0 , 0, 9, @QUEST, 0 , 0, 0 , 0, 'Only show gossip 9674 when quest 12536 is added'); -- Add missing gossip SET @GOSSIP := 9674; DELETE FROM `gossip _menu_option` WHERE `menu_id`=9674 AND `id`=0 ; INSERT INTO `gossip _menu_option` (` menu_id`, ` id`, `option_ icon`, `option _text`, ` option_id`, ` npc_option_npcflag`, ` action_menu_id`, `action_poi_id` , `box_coded` , `box_money` , `box_text`) VALUES (@GOSSIP, 0, 0, "You look safe enough.. . let's do this.", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, ''); -- [SAI] On gossip select - mount and waypoint SET @ENTRY := 28298; SET @GOSSIP := 9674; SET @SPELL := 51258; SET @ENTRY_MOUNT := 28308; SET @MODELID_MOUNT := 25107; SET @QUEST := 12536; UPDATE `creature_template ` SET `AIName`='SmartAI' WHERE `entry`=@ENTRY ; UPDATE `creature_template ` SET `VehicleId`=115 WHERE `entry`=@ENTRY_ MOUNT; UPDATE `creature_template ` SET `unit_ flags`=`unit_flags`|512| 256 WHERE `entry`=@ENTRY _MOUNT; DELETE FROM `smart _scripts` WHERE ` entryorguid` IN (@ENTRY, @ENTRY_MOUNT) AND `source_type`=0 ; INSERT INTO `smart _scripts` (`entryorguid`, `source_type`, `id`, ` link`, `event _type`, ` event_phase_mask` , `event_chance` , `event_flags `, `event_param 1`, `event _param2`, ` event_param3`, `event_param4` , `action_type `, `action_param 1`, `action_ param2`, ` action_param3`, `action_param4`, `action_param5` , `action_param6 `, `target_ type`, `target_ param1`, ` target_param2`, `target_param3`, `target_x`, `target_y`, `target_z` , `target_o` , `comment`) VALUES (@ENTRY, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 100, 0, @ GOSSIP, 0, 0 , 0, 11 , @SPELL, 0 , 0, 0 , 0, 0 , 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On gossip select - cast spell 51258 (spawn crocolisk)'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 1, 0 , 54, 0 , 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 1, @ENTRY_MOUNT, 0 , @QUEST, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 0, 0 , 0, 0 , 0, ' On summon - start wp'); -- Waypoints DELETE FROM `waypoints ` WHERE `entry`=@ ENTRY_MOUNT; INSERT INTO `waypoints ` (`entry`, `pointid`, `position _x`, ` position_y`, `position_z`, `point_comment`) VALUES (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 5268.226, 4425.439, - 95.55899, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 1, 5270.647, 4422.33, -95.36928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 2, 5274.147, 4417.33, -96.11928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 3, 5276.147, 4414.58, -96.61928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 4, 5280.147, 4417.58, -97.11928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 5, 5285.647, 4421.58, -97.86928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 6, 5301.897, 4433.08, -98.36928, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 7, 5249.557, 4405.892, - 96.04365, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 8, 5252.021, 4407.61, -96.46158, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 9, 5268.271, 4419.36, -96.96158, ' Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 10, 5268.521, 4419.86, - 96.96158, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 11, 5266.678, 4365.464, - 98.19455, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 12, 5277.914, 4377.498, - 97.96861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 13, 5276.164, 4382.248, - 98.71861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 14, 5265.664, 4406.748, - 98.21861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 15, 5264.414, 4409.498, - 97.46861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 16, 5263.914, 4411.498, - 96.96861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 17, 5262.664, 4414.248, - 96.21861, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 18, 5289.138, 4366.553, - 102.234, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 19, 5287.381, 4369.894, - 102.304, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 20, 5286.381, 4372.644, - 101.804, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 21, 5285.631, 4374.144, - 101.054, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 22, 5284.381, 4376.894, - 100.304, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 23, 5282.881, 4380.644, - 100.504, 'Captive Crocolisk '), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 24, 5276.881, 4380.394, - 99.05396, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 25, 5274.881, 4380.144, - 98.55396, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 26, 5272.131, 4380.144, - 97.80396, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 27, 5265.131, 4379.644, - 97.05396, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 28, 5261.131, 4379.394, - 96.30396, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 29, 5330.018, 4363.27, - 121.0311, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 30, 5328.354, 4363.276, - 120.7407, 'Captive Crocolisk'), (@ENTRY_MOUNT, 31, 5325.354, 4363.026, - 119.9907, 'Captive Crocolisk'); -- waypoints not finished yet [/sql]

This is what should happen: select gossip, spawn and mount crocolisk, croco should start the waypoints and the quest should be completed at the end of his last waypoint (i haven’t added them all yet).

Well the problem is that the crocolisk doesn’t start te waypoints. I tried it with SAI but it still doesn’t work :S

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S there is a quest that looks like this one and Nay linked it to me nut it seems that he is using a timed actionlist to start the WP, owever i don’t quite understand it why he uses that (can’t link the topic atm, cant find it on my phone i will link it once im on my PC).

Get a new keyboard:

[CODE]-- [QUEST] A Rough Ride (12536)
– NPC entry 28298 (Captive Crocolisk)
SET @ENTRY := 28298;
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
SET @TEXT_ID := 13120;
UPDATE creature_template SET gossip_ menu_id=@GOSSIP,npcflag=npcflag|1,VehicleId=0 WHERE entry=@ENTRY;
DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry=@GOSSIP;
INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry,text_id) VALUES
– Added condition so player can only select it once he has the quest
SET @QUEST := 12536;
DELETE FROM conditions WHERE SourceGroup=@GOSSIP_ENTRY AND SourceTypeOrReferenceId=15;
INSERT INTO conditions (SourceTypeOrReferenceId,SourceGroup,SourceEntry,ElseGroup,ConditionTypeOrReference,ConditionValue1,ConditionValue2,ConditionValue3,ErrorTextId,ScriptName,Comment) VALUES
(15,@GOSSIP_ENTRY,0,0,9,@QUEST,0,0,0,0, ‘Only show gossip 9674 when quest 12536 is added’);
– Add missing gossip
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
DELETE FROM gossip_menu_option WHERE menu_id=9674 AND id=0;
INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id,id,option_icon,option_text,option_id,npc_option_npcflag,action_menu_id,action_poi_id,box_coded,box_money,box_text) VALUES
(@GOSSIP,0,0, ‘You look safe enough… . let’‘s do this.’,1,1,0,0,0,0, ‘’);
– [SAI] On gossip select - mount and waypoint
SET @ENTRY := 28298;
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
SET @SPELL := 51258;
SET @ENTRY_MOUNT := 28308;
SET @QUEST := 12536;
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName=‘SmartAI’ WHERE entry=@ENTRY ;
UPDATE creature_template SET VehicleId=115 WHERE entry=@ENTRY_MOUNT;
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=unit_flags|256|512 WHERE entry=@ENTRY_MOUNT;
DELETE FROM smart _scripts WHERE entryorguid IN (@ENTRY,@ENTRY_MOUNT) AND source_type=0;
INSERT INTO smart _scripts (entryorguid,source_type,id,link,event_type,event_phase_mask,event_chance,event_flags,event_param1,event_param2,event_param3,event_param4,action_type,action_param1,action_param2,action_param3,action_param4,action_param5,action_param6,target_type,target_param1,target_param2,target_param3,target_x,target_y,target_z,target_o,comment) VALUES
(@ENTRY,0,0,0,62,0,100,0,@GOSSIP,0,0,0,11,@SPELL,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ‘Captive Crocolisk - On gossip select - cast spell 51258 (spawn crocolisk)’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,0,1,0,54,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,53,1,@ENTRY_MOUNT,0,@QUEST,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ‘Captive Crocolisk - On summon - start wp’);
– Waypoints
INSERT INTO waypoints (entry,pointid,position_x,position_y,position_z,point_comment) VALUES
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,0,5268.226,4425.439,-95.55899, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,1,5270.647,4422.33,-95.36928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,2,5274.147,4417.33,-96.11928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,3,5276.147,4414.58,-96.61928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,4,5280.147,4417.58,-97.11928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,5,5285.647,4421.58,-97.86928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,6,5301.897,4433.08,-98.36928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,7,5249.557,4405.892,-96.04365, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,8,5252.021,4407.61,-96.46158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,9,5268.271,4419.36,-96.96158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,10,5268.521,4419.86,-96.96158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,11,5266.678,4365.464,-98.19455, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,12,5277.914,4377.498,-97.96861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,13,5276.164,4382.248,-98.71861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,14,5265.664,4406.748,-98.21861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,15,5264.414,4409.498,-97.46861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,16,5263.914,4411.498,-96.96861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,17,5262.664,4414.248,-96.21861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,18,5289.138,4366.553,-102.234, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,19,5287.381,4369.894,-102.304, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,20,5286.381,4372.644,-101.804, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,21,5285.631,4374.144,-101.054, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,22,5284.381,4376.894,-100.304, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,23,5282.881,4380.644,-100.504, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,24,5276.881,4380.394,-99.05396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,25,5274.881,4380.144,-98.55396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,26,5272.131,4380.144,-97.80396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,27,5265.131,4379.644,-97.05396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,28,5261.131,4379.394,-96.30396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,29,5330.018,4363.27,-121.0311, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,30,5328.354,4363.276,-120.7407, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT,31,5325.354,4363.026,-119.9907, ‘Captive Crocolisk’);
– waypoints not finished yet[/sql]



Tried that, doesn’t work :S

Modified some things but still doesn’t work :S

– [QUEST] A Rough Ride (12536)
– NPC entry 28298 (Captive Crocolisk)
SET @ENTRY := 28298;
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
SET @TEXT_ID := 13120;
UPDATE creature_template SET gossip_menu_id=@GOSSIP, npcflag=npcflag|1, VehicleId=0 WHERE entry=@ENTRY;
DELETE FROM gossip_menu WHERE entry=@GOSSIP;
INSERT INTO gossip_menu (entry, text_id)
– Added condition so player can only select it once he has the quest
SET @QUEST := 12536;
DELETE FROM conditions WHERE SourceGroup=@GOSSIP_ENTRY AND SourceTypeOrReferenceId=15;
INSERT INTO conditions (SourceTypeOrReferenceId, SourceGroup, SourceEntry, ElseGroup, ConditionTypeOrReference, ConditionValue1, ConditionValue2, ConditionValue3, ErrorTextId, ScriptName, Comment)
VALUES (15, @GOSSIP_ENTRY, 0, 0, 9, @QUEST, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘Only show gossip 9674 when quest 12536 is added’);
– Add missing gossip
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
DELETE FROM gossip_menu_option WHERE menu_id=9674 AND id=0;
INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option (menu_id, id, option_icon, option_text, option_id, npc_option_npcflag, action_menu_id, action_poi_id, box_coded, box_money, box_text)
(@GOSSIP, 0, 0, “You look safe enough… let’s do this.”, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘’);
– [SAI] On gossip select - mount and waypoint
SET @ENTRY := 28298;
SET @GOSSIP := 9674;
SET @SPELL := 51258;
SET @ENTRY_MOUNT := 28308;
SET @QUEST := 12536;
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName=‘SmartAI’ WHERE entry IN (@ENTRY, @ENTRY_MOUNT);
UPDATE creature_template SET VehicleId=115 WHERE entry=@ENTRY_MOUNT;
UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags=unit_flags|512|256 WHERE entry=@ENTRY_MOUNT;
DELETE FROM smart_scripts WHERE entryorguid IN (@ENTRY, @ENTRY_MOUNT) AND source_type=0;
INSERT INTO smart_scripts (entryorguid, source_type, id, link, event_type, event_phase_mask, event_chance, event_flags, event_param1, event_param2, event_param3, event_param4, action_type, action_param1, action_param2, action_param3, action_param4, action_param5, action_param6, target_type, target_param1, target_param2, target_param3, target_x, target_y, target_z, target_o, comment)
(@ENTRY, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 100, 0, @GOSSIP, 0, 0, 0, 11, @SPELL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘On gossip select - cast spell 51258 (spawn crocolisk)’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 1, @ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, @QUEST, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘On summon - start wp’);
– Waypoints
INSERT INTO waypoints (entry, pointid, position_x, position_y, position_z, point_comment)
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 1, 5268.226, 4425.439, -95.55899, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 2, 5270.647, 4422.33, -95.36928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 3, 5274.147, 4417.33, -96.11928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 4, 5276.147, 4414.58, -96.61928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 5, 5280.147, 4417.58, -97.11928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 6, 5285.647, 4421.58, -97.86928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 7, 5301.897, 4433.08, -98.36928, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 8, 5249.557, 4405.892, -96.04365, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 9, 5252.021, 4407.61, -96.46158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 10, 5268.271, 4419.36, -96.96158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 11, 5268.521, 4419.86, -96.96158, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 12, 5266.678, 4365.464, -98.19455, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 13, 5277.914, 4377.498, -97.96861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 14, 5276.164, 4382.248, -98.71861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 15, 5265.664, 4406.748, -98.21861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 16, 5264.414, 4409.498, -97.46861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 17, 5263.914, 4411.498, -96.96861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 18, 5262.664, 4414.248, -96.21861, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 19, 5289.138, 4366.553, -102.234, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 20, 5287.381, 4369.894, -102.304, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 21, 5286.381, 4372.644, -101.804, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 22, 5285.631, 4374.144, -101.054, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 23, 5284.381, 4376.894, -100.304, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 24, 5282.881, 4380.644, -100.504, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 25, 5276.881, 4380.394, -99.05396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 26, 5274.881, 4380.144, -98.55396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 27, 5272.131, 4380.144, -97.80396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 28, 5265.131, 4379.644, -97.05396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 29, 5261.131, 4379.394, -96.30396, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 30, 5330.018, 4363.27, -121.0311, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 31, 5328.354, 4363.276, -120.7407, ‘Captive Crocolisk’),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 32, 5325.354, 4363.026, -119.9907, ‘Captive Crocolisk’);
– waypoints not finished yet


Well, I guess the right npc is spawned when you select the gossip…

Do you mount it or doesn’t that work either? If that works use a timed actionlist to start the WP.

please, use


(@ENTRY, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 100, 0, @GOSSIP, 0, 0, 0, 11, @SPELL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On gossip select - cast spell 51258 (spawn crocolisk)'), [/sql]


(@ENTRY, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 100, 0, @GOSSIP, 0, 0, 0, 85, @SPELL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ‘On gossip select - cast spell 51258 (spawn crocolisk)’),

Mounting works exactly as planned.

I’m not familiar with timed actionlists yet, what event_type and action_type should i use?

Replace your line

(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 1, @ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, @QUEST, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On summon - start wp');

(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, @ENTRY_MOUNT*100, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'On summon - run script'),
(@ENTRY_MOUNT*100, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 1, @ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, @QUEST, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Start wp');

That’s what worked for me in http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/4453-wip-i-sense-a-disturbance/.

Thanks, that worked /emoticons/default_smile.png

Also when it starts the WP movement does it go from pointid 1 to ?? automatically?

It will start at pointid 1 and go to the next one in the waypoints table, then go to the next and so on.

You will have to make sure the movement is stopped at the last waypoint and the passenger is ejected.

Have a look at my script http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/4453-wip-i-sense-a-disturbance/ for ideas, if you need some…

Alright, thanks.

That shouldn’t make any difference. I suppose this creature (ENTRY_MOUNT) is summoned, so just use this line.

(@ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, 0, 0, 54, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 1, @ENTRY_MOUNT, 0, @QUEST, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,"On Just Summoned - Start WP");

As you can see I used event_type 54, which stands for [font=sans-serif][size=3]SMART_EVENT_JUST_SUMMONED.[/size][/font]

This makes a huge difference @Discover. Try it and you’ll see. If the WP movement isnt called in a timed actionlist the vehicle doesnt take control of the movement.

Dont know how to explain it. Just test it for yourself.

There is in fact no difference for the script if you use eventtype 54 instead of 25 as the creature will only be spawned if somebody selects the gossip which makes him summon the creature.

But you are right for consistency its better to use type 54 in my two lines.

In theory there shouldn’t be a difference between running an action_type from a script than from the event_type the script is ran from.

Nonetheless, 25 is still a hack in this case. When the creature enters evade, reset or whatever it will run the same WP again.