I got tired of opening a command prompt, browsing to the build directory, and opening worldserver.exe if it disappeared after a crash, so this batch file will allow you to pause it and read the error.
Protip: Another quick way to run the worldserver using the command prompt is to SHIFT+Right Click anywhere inside the window and select "Open command window here". Then just type worldserver.exe and hit Enter. Doing it this way will serve the same purpose as the script below, and will also keep the window open if it crashes.
[ol][li]Copy/Paste the below code into a Notepad file (if you aren’t already, you should be using Notepad++)[/li]
[li]Save the files as “Worldserver restarter.bat” and “Authserver restarter.bat” (or whatever you prefer)[/li]
[li]Place the files in your BuildbinRelease folder (the same location where your worldserver and authserver binaries are stored)[/li]
[li]To use, simply double-click either batch file whenever you need to run worldserver/authserver.[/li]
[/ol] Worldserver restarter.bat:
I’ve decided I prefer yours instead. I like how it restarts the realm each time you hit any key so you can make quick changes to see if they fix the problem.
The one I have used for many years is better, it restarts if the worldserver (same batch is used for auth server as well) crashes, but, ends the batch if there was no crash (normal exit)
ECHO worldserver
start "worldserver" /B /MIN /WAIT worldserver.exe -c worldserver.conf
if %errorlevel% == 0 goto end
goto 1
I think the one above was likely made from mine back when I posted it on the old forums, but, the exit code part was probably removed because there used to be an error in worldserver.exe that caused a crash, even on a normal exit, which would have made it seem like that part wasn’t working correctly…
After the server crash appears message about debugging. JIT Debugger.
Visual Studio 2008
OS: Windows 7 x64
Microsoft Error message, I turned off in the control panel.
Fails turn off the message from the JIT Debugger: cleaned up the registry, switched off in settings VS 2008.
But as a result, only option disabled - “Debug Program”.
But still remains - “Close Program”.
Have to manually close the dialog message to reboot the server. http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/7463/asdasdmzb.png