Hello there.
I am new to TrinityCore and wow servers in general. I have setup a legion server and tried to run WC playing prot war. Every time i cast “devastate”, i can see this message in terminal “CastSpell: unknown spell id 58567 by caster: GUID …”. Spell is working correctly so my assume is that it is just missing from database. What is strange to me is that id in terminal is 58567 but wowheads id of spell is 20243 which one should i use? I have searched for both IDs in DB but with no luck. I am working on this issue for a while now and still haven’t find the answer. I also tried to add spell with this ID to the spell_dbc table but with no results. This is my first try to add some spell (or anything wow related) to DB and there are many tables so there is good chance i have something messed up. Database is hosted on my local network NAS. It is no big deal since spell is working correctly but it just pisses me off that i can not figure that out. Thank you in advance.
//server is running ubuntu 16.04