Conditions question regarding spell and spell target

Hello everyone,

Spell id [COLOR=rgb(0,0,0)]62466, it is used in Thorim’s encounter.

This spell is a cone spell that its target is an npc (id) 32780.

I’ve made a condition for the spell so whenever the boss casts it, the spell would target that NPC:

SourceTypeOrReferenceId SourceGroup SourceEntry SourceId ElseGroup ConditionTypeOrReference ConditionTarget ConditionValue1 ConditionValue2 ConditionValue3 NegativeCondition ErrorType ErrorTextId ScriptName Comment

13 4 62466 0 0 31 0 3 32780 0 0 0 0 (NULL)

insert into conditions values

The problem is, this doesn’t seem to work, at all, the spell is being casted at the tanker or the person with most aggro

Did I do define wrong?

use SourceGroup = 3

Hi, I tried that, it still targets the tanker

It needs to be fixed with c++.