Crash When I Add Npc On Creature_Transport

this are sql that i have used:

INSERT INTO `transports` (`guid`, `entry`, `name`, `period`) VALUES (21, 201580, 'skybreaker icc', 51584),

(22, 201812, 'ogrim icc', 51584);

INSERT INTO `creature_transport` (`guid`, `transport_entry`, `npc_entry`, `TransOffsetX`, `TransOffsetY`, `TransOffsetZ`, `TransOffsetO`, `emote`) VALUES (77, 201580, 36948, -16.0109, 10.0177, 22.3067, 3.22411, 0);

but when i try to start worldserver it crash on Loading npc transport

it crash in

void Creature::AddToWorld()


	///- Register the creature for guid lookup

	if (!IsInWorld())


		if (m_zoneScript)

			m_zoneScript->OnCreatureCreate(this); // crash here





		if (IsVehicle())





someone know what i’m doing wrong ?

maybe because transport 201580 is in instanced map ?

edit :

if i comment out

if (m_zoneScript)


all go fine… maybe there is sominthing that don’t work in instance_icecrowncitadel.cpp?

What’s the crash dump?

Revision: TrinityCore rev. 2011-10-15 19:47:09 +0200 (96cf810ca246) (Win32, Debug)Date 16:10:2011. Time 14:6


*** Hardware ***

Processor: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz

Number Of Processors: 2

Physical Memory: 4193528 KB (Available: 1580008 KB)

Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

*** Operation System ***

Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Version 6.1, Build 7601)


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address: 0087F7F2 01:0053E7F2 C:\Users\andrea\Desktop\BloodyDev\Core\TrinityCore\build\bin\Debug\worldserver.exe









SS:ESP:002B:0262E714 EBP:0262E720

DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

0087F7F2 00000000 Creature::AddToWorld+42 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\creature\creature.cpp line 183

008B4AF0 00000000 Map::AddToMap+210 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 477

00A2C40A 00000000 Transport::AddNPCPassenger+37A c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\transport\transport.cpp line 677

00A29C18 00000000 MapManager::LoadTransportNPCs+1C8 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\transport\transport.cpp line 161

00670D34 00000000 World::SetInitialWorldSettings+1594 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\world\world.cpp line 1718

0036AA8F 00000000 Master::Run+29F c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\worldserver\master.cpp line 171

00355706 00000000 ace_main_i+286 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\worldserver\main.cpp line 145

0035586B 00000000 ACE_Main::run_i+1B c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\worldserver\main.cpp line 73

5B944C36 00000000 ACE_Main_Base::run+26 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\dep\acelite\ace\os_main.cpp line 88

00355419 00000000 main+59 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\worldserver\main.cpp line 73

011C43C8 00000000 __tmainCRTStartup+1A8 f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c line 586

011C420F 00000000 mainCRTStartup+F f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c line 403

750F339A 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

77069ED2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

77069EA5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

0087F7F2 00000000 Creature::AddToWorld+42 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\creature\creature.cpp line 183

punting on symbol this

008B4AF0 00000000 Map::AddToMap+210 c:\users\andrea\desktop\bloodydev\core\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 477

punting on symbol this

punting on symbol obj

you need the .dmp file?

This crashlog not help at all.

You can use .dmp file and find the problem by yourself.

bloodycore? I don’t recall seeing that trinitycore offers support for all of its forks.

it isn’t bloodycore.

how i can use .dmp files? with visual studio?

thanks /emoticons/default_smile.png

hm normaly you can add the npc on a transport with a simply sql file… at me the worldserver get killed too, but with sql it works fine

so maybe sended database info from worldserver wrong ?

hum it crash only for transports that are in an instanced map, like 2 gunship of icc.

wait, when i return this evening at home i will post the .dmp file


this is the crash dump file

dimiandre must legally give the man a core crash when NPC tries to establish sound ships in Icc it does not matter whether in game command

or via a sql patch.

I cannot open your file. Can you post the dump somewhere?