
Revision: TrinityCore rev. b91bed017bb5 2016-04-12 23:09:23 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win32, RelWithDebInfo)
Date 26:4:2016. Time 15:3
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core™2 Duo CPU E8300 @ 2.83GHz
Number Of Processors: 2
Physical Memory: 4158712 KB (Available: 2478464 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

*** Operation System ***
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Service Pack 1 (Version 6.1, Build 7601)

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 01D8B3A7 01:00C4A3A7 D:\TrinityCore\worldserver.exe

SS:ESP:002B:0C1CF920 EBP:0C1CF920
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
01D8B3A7 00000000 Trinity::Assert+27 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\common\debugging\errors.cpp line 43
01CDA9AA 00000000 Movement::MoveSpline::_updateState+DA e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\movement\spline\movespline.cpp line 253
018DA61D 00000000 Unit::UpdateSplineMovement+2D e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\unit\unit.cpp line 415
018D905A 00000000 Unit::Update+15A e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\unit\unit.cpp line 391
01A0E699 00000000 Creature::Update+839 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\creature\creature.cpp line 568
01C14440 00000000 Trinity::ObjectUpdater::Visit+30 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\grids\notifiers\gridnotifiers.cpp line 345
019C9A1E 00000000 VisitorHelperTrinity::ObjectUpdater,Creature+E e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\shared\dynamic\typecontainervisitor.h line 46
019C9A50 00000000 VisitorHelper<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > >+10 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\shared\dynamic\typecontainervisitor.h line 51
019C907B 00000000 Map::Visit<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >+9B e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.h line 822
019E9174 00000000 Map::VisitNearbyCellsOf+134 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 674
019E8957 00000000 Map::Update+147 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 718
01C30F86 00000000 MapUpdater::WorkerThread+36 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\mapupdater.cpp line 113
01C30FC2 00000000 std::_LaunchPad<std::_Bind<1,void,std::_Pmf_wrap<void (__thiscall MapUpdater::*)(void),void,MapUpdater>,MapUpdater *> >::_Go+12 c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\thr\xthread line 188
70B2F33C 00000000 ?_Release@_Pad@std@@QAEXXZ+6C
6CC2C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F
6CC2C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53
771333AA 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77669ED2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77669EA5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36
Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
01D8B3A7 00000000 Trinity::Assert+27 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\common\debugging\errors.cpp line 43
Parameter char* file = “E:\TrinityCore\TrinityCore\src\server\game\M…”
Parameter int line = 0xFD
Parameter char* function = “Movement::MoveSpline::_updateState”
Parameter char* message = “minimal_diff >= 0”

01CDA9AA 00000000 Movement::MoveSpline::_updateState+DA e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\movement\spline\movespline.cpp line 253
Parameter int& ms_time_diff = 0xFFFE1820

018DA61D 00000000 Unit::UpdateSplineMovement+2D e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\unit\unit.cpp line 415
Parameter unsigned int t_diff = 0xFFFE1820

018D905A 00000000 Unit::Update+15A e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\unit\unit.cpp line 391
Parameter unsigned int p_time = 0xFFFE1820

01A0E699 00000000 Creature::Update+839 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\entities\creature\creature.cpp line 568
Parameter unsigned int diff = 0xFFFE1820
Local std::exception& e = 0x2861BEC4
char* _Mywhat = NULL
bool _Mydofree = 0xBA
Local std::exception& e = 0x2874D1A4
char* _Mywhat = “”
bool _Mydofree = 0x0
Local ObjectGuid dbtableHighGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x2FFB57B815CA3B53
Local ObjectGuid targetGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x771314502861BEC4
Local std::exception& e = 0x6CC6F57E
char* _Mywhat = “莾蠬”
bool _Mydofree = 0x3C
Local LinkedListHead::Iterator it
MapReference* _Ptr = 0x2FFB57B8
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x9
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x3
Map* iRefTo = 0x60
Player* iRefFrom = 0x2155B0D8

01C14440 00000000 Trinity::ObjectUpdater::Visit+30 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\grids\notifiers\gridnotifiers.cpp line 345
Parameter GridRefManager& m = 0x2FDE7638
LinkedListElement iFirst
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x2FFB67BC
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
LinkedListElement iLast
LinkedListElement* iNext = NULL
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x2FFB55B4
unsigned int iSize = 0x2
?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x2FDE7638
GridReference* _Ptr = 0x20D39C0
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x21B18D4
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x19DB4F0
GridRefManager* iRefTo = 0x21B1AA0
Creature* iRefFrom = 0x19DB1A0

019C9A1E 00000000 VisitorHelperTrinity::ObjectUpdater,Creature+E e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\shared\dynamic\typecontainervisitor.h line 46
Parameter Trinity::ObjectUpdater& v = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Parameter ContainerMapList& c = 0x2FDE7638
GridRefManager _element
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x2FDE763C
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x2FDE7648
unsigned int iSize = 0x2
?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x2FDE7638
GridReference* _Ptr = 0x20D39C0

019C9A50 00000000 VisitorHelper<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > >+10 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\shared\dynamic\typecontainervisitor.h line 51
Parameter Trinity::ObjectUpdater& v = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Parameter ContainerMapList<TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > >& c = 0x2FDE7638
ContainerMapList _elements
GridRefManager _element
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x2FDE763C
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x2FDE7648
unsigned int iSize = 0x2
?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x20D39C0
iterator = 0x2FDE7638
GridReference* _Ptr = 0x20D39C0
ContainerMapList<TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > _TailElements
ContainerMapList _elements
GridRefManager _element = 0x2FDE7658
ContainerMapList<TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > _TailElements
ContainerMapList _elements = 0x2FDE7678
ContainerMapList _TailElements = 0x0

019C907B 00000000 Map::Visit<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >+9B e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.h line 822
Parameter Cell& cell = 0xC1CFB44

unsigned int grid_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int grid_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int nocreate = 0x114365E
unsigned int reserved = 0x114365E
Cell:::: Part
unsigned int grid_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int grid_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int nocreate = 0x114365E
unsigned int reserved = 0x114365E
unsigned int All = 0x114365E
Cell:: data
= 0x114365E
Part = 0x114365E
unsigned int All = 0x114365E
Parameter TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >& visitor = 0xC1CFB88
Trinity::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820

019E9174 00000000 Map::VisitNearbyCellsOf+134 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 674
Parameter WorldObject* obj = 0xF3
unsigned int m_objectType = 0xF7
int m_objectTypeId = 0xFB
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0xFF
int* m_int32Values =
unsigned int* m_uint32Values =
float* m_floatValues =
UpdateMask _changesMask
unsigned int _fieldCount = 0x107
unsigned int _blockCount = 0x10B
unsigned int* _bits =
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x113
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x115
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x117
bool m_inWorld = 0x118
PackedGuid m_PackGUID
ByteBuffer _packedGuid = 0x11B
Position* Pos =
Pos = 0x133
Pos = 0x133
float m_positionX = 0x133
float m_positionY = 0x137
float m_positionZ = 0x13B
float m_orientation = 0x13F
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x143
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x147
[1] = 0x14B
unsigned int m_flags = 0x14F
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x153
[1] = 0x157
unsigned int m_flags = 0x15B
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility
int[12] m_values
[0] = 0x15F
[1] = 0x163
[2] = 0x167
[3] = 0x16B
[4] = 0x16F
[5] = 0x173
[6] = 0x177
[7] = 0x17B
[8] = 0x17F
[9] = 0x183
unsigned int m_flags = 0x18F
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect
int[12] m_values
[0] = 0x193
[1] = 0x197
[2] = 0x19B
[3] = 0x19F
[4] = 0x1A3
[5] = 0x1A7
[6] = 0x1AB
[7] = 0x1AF
[8] = 0x1B3
[9] = 0x1B7
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1C3
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x1C7
[1] = 0x1CB
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1CF
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x1D3
[1] = 0x1D7
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1DB
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x1DF
MovementInfo m_movementInfo
ObjectGuid guid
unsigned int _guid = 0x1E3
unsigned int flags = 0x1EB
unsigned int flags2 = 0x1EF
Position pos
Position* Pos =
Pos = 0x1F3
Pos = 0x1F3
float m_positionX = 0x1F3
float m_positionY = 0x1F7
float m_positionZ = 0x1FB
float m_orientation = 0x1FF
unsigned int time = 0x203
ObjectGuid guid = 0x1E3
Position pos = 0x1EB
int seat = 0x1FB
unsigned int time = 0x1FF
unsigned int time2 = 0x203
MovementInfo::TransportInfo transport
ObjectGuid guid = 0x20B
Position pos = 0x213
int seat = 0x223
unsigned int time = 0x227
unsigned int time2 = 0x22B
float pitch = 0x233
unsigned int fallTime = 0x237
float zspeed = 0x1E3
float sinAngle = 0x1E7
float cosAngle = 0x1EB
float xyspeed = 0x1EF
MovementInfo::JumpInfo jump
float zspeed = 0x23B
float sinAngle = 0x23F
float cosAngle = 0x243
float xyspeed = 0x247
float splineElevation = 0x24B
std::string m_name = 0x253
bool m_isActive = 0x26B
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x26C
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript =
Transport* m_transport =
Map* m_currMap =
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x27B
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x27F
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x283
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x285
Parameter TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >& gridVisitor = 0xC1CFB88
Trinity::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Parameter TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > > >& worldVisitor = 0xC1CFB8C
Trinity::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Local CellArea area
CoordPair<512> low_bound
unsigned int x_coord = 0xF3
unsigned int y_coord = 0xCC
CoordPair<512> high_bound
unsigned int x_coord = 0xF6
unsigned int y_coord = 0xCF
Local Cell cell

unsigned int grid_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int grid_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int nocreate = 0x114365E
unsigned int reserved = 0x114365E
Cell:::: Part
unsigned int grid_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int grid_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_x = 0x114365E
unsigned int cell_y = 0x114365E
unsigned int nocreate = 0x114365E
unsigned int reserved = 0x114365E
unsigned int All = 0x114365E
Cell:: data
= 0x114365E
Part = 0x114365E
unsigned int All = 0x114365E

019E8957 00000000 Map::Update+147 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\map.cpp line 718
Parameter unsigned int t_diff = 0xFFFE1820
Local Trinity::ObjectUpdater updater
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > > > world_object_update
Trinity::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Trinity::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > > grid_object_update
Trinity::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xC1CFB84
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0xFFFE1820
Local MapSessionFilter updater
WorldSession* m_pSession = 0x2BB31568
int m_muteTime = 0x0
std::atomic m_timeOutTime = 0x1181FD
std::future<SQLQueryHolder *> _realmAccountLoginCallback = 0x12B597858
std::future<std::shared_ptr > _charEnumCallback = 0x12B5993E8
std::future<std::shared_ptr > _addIgnoreCallback = 0x0
std::future<std::shared_ptr > _stablePetCallback = 0x0
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,CharacterRenameInfo ,0> _charRenameCallback = 0x2BB31594
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits,std::allocator >,0> _addFriendCallback = 0x2BB315A4
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,unsigned int,0> _unstablePetCallback = 0x2BB315C8
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,unsigned int,0> _stableSwapCallback = 0x2BB315D8
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,ObjectGuid,0> _sendStabledPetCallback = 0x2BB315E8
QueryCallback<std::shared_ptr,CharacterCreateInfo ,1> _charCreateCallback = 0x2BB31600
std::future<SQLQueryHolder > _charLoginCallback = 0x12B597EE8
Session = NULL
int _policy = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x2BB31570
WorldSession::DosProtection AntiDOS = 0x2BB31618
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less,std::allocator > _legitCharacters = 0x42D8C7C90
unsigned int m_GUIDLow = 0x4
_player = 0x2FDE1DC0
std::shared_ptr m_Socket = 0x21552A1821552A28
std::string m_Address = “”
int _security = 0x3
unsigned int _accountId = 0x1
std::string _accountName = “ABAB”
unsigned int m_expansion = 0x2
_warden = NULL
int _logoutTime = 0x0
bool m_inQueue = 0x0
bool m_playerLoading = 0x0
bool m_playerLogout = 0x0
bool m_playerRecentlyLogout = 0x0
bool m_playerSave = 0x0
int m_sessionDbcLocale = 0x4
int m_sessionDbLocaleIndex = 0x4
std::atomic m_latency = 0x1B
std::atomic m_clientTimeDelay = 0x0
AccountData[8] m_accountData
[0] = 0x2BB316B8
[1] = 0x2BB316D8
[2] = 0x2BB316F8
[3] = 0x2BB31718
[4] = 0x2BB31738
[5] = 0x2BB31758
[6] = 0x2BB31778
[7] = 0x2BB31798
unsigned int[8] m_Tutorials
[0] = 0xE1EE3FF7
[1] = 0xFF612E1
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
bool m_TutorialsChanged = 0x0
std::list<AddonInfo,std::allocator > m_addonsList = 0x2B597BD8
unsigned int recruiterId = 0x0
bool isRecruiter = 0x0
LockedQueue<WorldPacket *,std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket > > > _recvQueue = 0x2BB317EC
_RBACData = 0x2B5B2018
unsigned int expireTime = 0xEA60
bool forceExit = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_currentBankerGUID = 0x0
Local std::vector<Creature ,std::allocator<Creature > > updateList
std::_Vector_alloc<0,std::_Vec_base_types<Creature ,std::allocator<Creature > > >
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Creature > >
_Myfirst = 0x10C9F828
_Mylast =
_Myend = 0x10C9F828

01C30F86 00000000 MapUpdater::WorkerThread+36 e:\trinitycore\trinitycore\src\server\game\maps\mapupdater.cpp line 113
Local MapUpdateRequest* request = 0x329ED730
Map& m_map = 0x2874D148
GridRefManager<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,Typ
RefManager<GridRefManager<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x2874D14C
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x2874D158
unsigned int iSize = 0xA
?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x20D3958
iterator = 0x20D3958
iterator = 0x20D3958
GridReference<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,Type* _Ptr = 0x20D3958
std::map<unsigned int,CreatureGroup *,std::less,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureGroup *> > > CreatureGroupHolder = 0x72871D930
bool _creatureToMoveLock = 0x0
std::vector<Creature *,std::allocator<Creature *> > _creaturesToMove = 0x2874D174
bool _gameObjectsToMoveLock = 0x0
std::vector<GameObject *,std::allocator<GameObject *> > _gameObjectsToMove = 0x2874D184
bool _dynamicObjectsToMoveLock = 0x0
std::vector<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject > > _dynamicObjectsToMove = 0x2874D194
std::mutex _mapLock = 0x2861BE88
std::mutex _gridLock = 0x2861BEC0
i_mapEntry = 0x6B7D884
unsigned int i_spawnMode = 0x0
unsigned int i_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_unloadTimer = 0x0
float m_VisibleDistance = 90.000000
DynamicMapTree _dynamicTree = 0x2875D410
MapRefManager m_mapRefManager = 0x2874D1C0
LinkedListHead::Iterator m_mapRefIter = 0x3366603C
int m_VisibilityNotifyPeriod = 0x3E8
std::set<WorldObject *,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > m_activeNonPlayers = 0x2871D950
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<WorldObject *> > > m_activeNonPlayersIter = 0x2871D950
std::set<Transport *,std::less<Transport >,std::allocator<Transport > > _transports = 0x72871D970
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Transport > > > _transportsUpdateIter = 0x2871D970
int i_gridExpiry = 0x493E0
m_parentMap = 0x2874D148
NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[64] i_grids
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
[0] = 0x2874D20C
[1] = 0x2874D30C
[2] = 0x2874D40C
[3] = 0x2874D50C
[4] = 0x2874D60C
[5] = 0x2874D70C
[6] = 0x2874D80C
[7] = 0x2874D90C
[8] = 0x2874DA0C
[9] = 0x2874DB0C
[64] GridMaps
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
[0] = 0x2875120C
[1] = 0x2875130C
[2] = 0x2875140C
[3] = 0x2875150C
[4] = 0x2875160C
[5] = 0x2875170C
[6] = 0x2875180C
[7] = 0x2875190C
[8] = 0x28751A0C
[9] = 0x28751B0C
std::bitset<262144> marked_cells = 0x28755210
bool i_scriptLock = 0x0
std::set<WorldObject *,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > i_objectsToRemove = 0x2871D990
std::map<WorldObject *,bool,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<std::pair<WorldObject * const,bool> > > i_objectsToSwitch = 0x2871D9B0
std::set<WorldObject *,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > i_worldObjects = 0x52871D9D0
std::multimap<__int64,ScriptAction,std::less<__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<__int64 const ,ScriptAction> > > m_scriptSchedule = 0x2855E628
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _creatureRespawnTimes = 0x2875D234
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _goRespawnTimes = 0x2875D254
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,ZoneDynamicInfo,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,ZoneDynamicInfo> > > _zoneDynamicInfo = 0x2875D274
unsigned int _defaultLight = 0xBF
std::map<enum HighGuid,std::unique_ptr<ObjectGuidGeneratorBase,std::default_delete >,std::less,std::allocator<std::pair<enum HighGuid const ,std::unique_ptr<Ob _guidGenerators = 0x32871DA30
TypeUnorderedMapContainer<TypeList<Creature,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Pet,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >,ObjectGuid> _objectsStore = 0x2875D2A0
std::unordered_multimap<unsigned int,Creature *,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Creature *> > > _creatureBySpawnIdStore = 0x2875D344
std::unordered_multimap<unsigned int,GameObject *,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GameObject *> > > _gameobjectBySpawnIdStore = 0x2875D364
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::unordered_set<Corpse *,std::hash<Corpse *>,std::equal_to<Corpse *>,std::allocator<Corpse *> >,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<s _corpsesByCell = 0x2875D384
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,Corpse *,std::hash,std::equal_to,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,Corpse *> > > _corpsesByPlayer = 0x2875D3A4
std::unordered_set<Corpse *,std::hash<Corpse *>,std::equal_to<Corpse *>,std::allocator<Corpse *> > _corpseBones = 0x2875D3C4
std::unordered_set<Object *,std::hash<Object *>,std::equal_to<Object *>,std::allocator<Object *> > _updateObjects = 0x2875D3E4
MapUpdater& m_updater = 0x23A66DC
ProducerConsumerQueue<MapUpdateRequest *> _queue = 0x23A66DC
std::vector<std::thread,std::allocatorstd::thread > _workerThreads = 0x23A66FC
std::atomic _cancelationToken = 0x0
std::mutex _lock = 0x10C9F860
std::condition_variable _condition = 0x931D680
unsigned int pending_requests = 0x6
unsigned int m_diff = 0xFFFE1820

01C30FC2 00000000 std::_LaunchPad<std::_Bind<1,void,std::_Pmf_wrap<void (__thiscall MapUpdater::*)(void),void,MapUpdater>,MapUpdater *> >::_Go+12 c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\thr\xthread line 188

70B2F33C 00000000 ?_Release@_Pad@std@@QAEXXZ+6C

6CC2C01D 00000000 __get_tlsindex+6F

6CC2C001 00000000 __get_tlsindex+53

771333AA 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

77669ED2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

77669EA5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

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