Some weeks ago I asked for help for the quest 12915.
Now I want to understand, why Dummyspells & SAI don’t work together.
Just when the spell is “coded” in the core it works with the spellhit action of SAI? (is this right?)
Because I got few quests where I got some dummy spells and when I made a SAI it don’t worked.
I did the SAI with truice (yes noobie but helpful /emoticons/default_wink.png) and everything was ok.
Here a example what I tested (code ist copied from the threaad above, cause I’m not at home (malcrom wrote it))
[CODE]INSERT INTO smart_scripts
, source_type
, id
, link
, event_type
, event_phase_mask
, event_chance
, event_flags
, event_param1
, event_param2
, event_param3
, event_param4
, action_type
, action_param1
, action_param2
, action_param3
, action_param4
, action_param5
, action_param6
, target_type
, target_param1
, target_param2
, target_param3
, target_x
, target_y
, target_z
, target_o
, comment
(29503,0,0,1,8,0,100,0,55818,0,0,0,33,29503,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, ‘Fjorn - On spellhit - Killcredit’);[/CODE]
but why he don’t give me the killcredit? the spell is right (I tested it also with a GM, with cast 55818)
But I don’t get the credit…
The script defines the target as invoker… should be right…
CreatureOrGOId in quest_template is 29503 + count = 1 (for testing)
Did I forgot something?
Am I stupid? (sometimes it works sometimes not)
Thanks for an answer, what the problem might be…
and I excuse me for my bad english, I go to the USA in 2 weeks to improve it