Hello befor i started to use trinity core I always used arcemu
I love the lua api they have to do fun things in the server
Is there any way that is in trinity as well or are you thinking about it to add it
Sins it’s really nice to add like events like when you go in combat it the npc saying somthing or when you wipe or get killed
So was hoping this was in trinity core as well
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Check out Eluna:
It is a Lua engine implementation for mangos and TC based emulators.
With stock TC you can’t do it with Lua but you can definitely do that with C++ scripts: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/6.x/src/server/scripts
TC has a pretty large amount of hooks for C++ scripting.
Also these small things can be done relatively easy with Smart AI as well.