Gold cap

I’ll bring a screenshot to proove that is possible on 2.4.3 client

You can not increase the gold cap more than before mentioned.[…]

There is a reason why I phrase my sentence as they are. I do believe that you can increase it, but only by changing it from signed to unsigned. Nothing more. An actual change from Int32 to Int64 is to 99% not possible.

switching from signed to unsigned doesn’t address the root problem; it just kicks the can a little further down the road.

Seeing how the topic altogether is rather firmly limited to begin with, I (or rather, we) can just suggest WHAT he can do. Everything else goes beyond the boundaries that we can provide.

True, I wasn’t trying to be critical but anyone who can get 400K gold can get 800K gold.

The root problem is inflation. It would be easy to do a mass update on gold values (i.e. set value = value * 0.5), but a better solution,imo, would be an exponential update to bring the low-level economies more in line with the high-level economies.

Maybe something like “set value = pow(value,0.8)” where 100g becomes 6g and 1g becomes 16s.

Since it looks you don’t read supplied links:

Eihrister | August 18, 2011 at 5:17 am | Reply

They fixed the 32-bit mark by using 64-bit hardware/software. The old cap was a 32-bit SIGNED INTEGER. The new cap is therefore, likely, a 64-bit SIGNED or UNSIGNED INTEGER.

A computer can not count with negative values. The original integer (as numbers are called in computers), is unsigned and goes, for 32-bit, from 0 to 4,294,967,295, or 429496g 72s 95c (human readable: ~430k gold).

To make computers able to count with negative values, they set an attribute called “signed” or “unsigned”, when it’s “signed”, it means the first 50% of the 32-bits are to be seen as negative. In other words, the first 50% of the 32-bits are −2,147,483,648 to -1 and the second 50% is 0 to 2,147,483,647… do you notice something here? You can’t have a debt in WoW, but the limit for a signed integer I just gave here is 214748g 36s 47c (human readable: ~214k gold).

When changing from 32-bit to 64-bit, the computer can address a lot larger space of numbers, namingly from 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (~18 million billion gold). Considering the old setting of signed or unsigned was the default of the database software (no cast value to be specifically set to signed or unsigned), I’m assuming it’s still a signed value (meaning 50% negative and 50% positive).

If the new value is signed as before, the new gold cap will be at 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 gold, 922337203685477g 58s 07c (human readable: ~ 9 million billion gold).

If the new value is unsigned now, since you can’t have a negative gold value anyway, the new gold cap will be at 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 gold, 1844674407370955g 16s 15c (human readable: ~ 18 million billion gold).

If anyone manages to reach that, I’ll buy you cake.

This is wow 4 client, for wow 3.3.5a client the limitation ON CLIENT is ~214k gold you CAN’T change it without modify client and that’s unsupported on this forum.

People uses other ways to workarround this limitation, but i don’t go to say the way, for sure you use some huge gold multiplier, lower it.

And yes, i am rude because you don’t read supplied information.

He has all right to be rude if you’re not going to read what everyone is saying in order to fucking help. Jesus christ…

It is possible without modifying the client, you just don’t know of what are you talking right there. And cmon trinitycore devs should know how to deal with this, instead of being more rude and thinking like they know everything, shame on you
