help error 114

mira estoy en trinity core una pregunta tengo un servidor de draenor pero la mayoria les da error 114 tu no me puedes ayudar a checar eso por que es o darme algun tips o como hacer para que no salga eso y aparte pues decirme que puertos puedo abrir o que puertos usas tu para la conexion o cuales serian los recomendables que no interfieran para entrar a el servidor o si hay que descargar un launcher o abrir puertos

you wouldn’t get help, if you speak in whatever language instead of English.

look I’m in TrinityCore a question I have a server Draenor but most gives Error 114 you can not help check me why that is or give me some tips or how to not to leave that and apart for me that ports can be opened or to use your ports for connection or what would be the advisable not to interfere to enter the server or whether to download a launcher or open ports

but I want to know whether to do more ami if it comes but alos others do not do not know if it is that is a different port to be put or see why that happens or someone to help me set up well it until you pay for to help me remove this error when want to connect