Because of some crashs on my server, i’m trying to launch debugging in order to find the reasons of the crash, I follow this tutorial to setup debugging :
But I have a problem, after all the configurations, when I start debugging it give me this :
I’m a begginer with debugging and I don’t know if its a good result, if there is something wrong.
As it said in the tutorial I did this for linking the conf files for authserver and worldserver projects, because " [COLOR=rgb(39,42,52)]Debug menu -> Properties " doesn't exist.
But it give me the same error, what have I done wrong?
The only thing I change is the Working Directory (to the directory where everything gets placed, including .confs and .exes). I never needed to modify Command Arguments nor Environment.
Ok thank you it work better now, I have skip the previous error, but I need to setup the server completly, with database… ??
Because now it give me the error "DatabasePool Login NOT opened...", I don't really understand how debugging work :unsure: I just want to solve a crash on my server.