How change arena points flush rate?

Hi, sorry for my english, is probably very bad.

I have a problem, i want to change (up) the rate for arena points won by every flush
For an Example:

“I made 10 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 280 Arena Points.”
And I want to “get up” that quantity.

I don’t find any string to change this in “worldserver.conf”

Please, be clear, i’m a noob in programation.

Another question.

The rate are in that way:
“I made 10 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 280 Arena Points.”
“I made 20 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 280 Arena Points.”
“I made 500 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 280 Arena Points.”

I want to make that rate equivalent to how much times the player did games, Like that:
“I made 10 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 400 Arena Points.”
“I made 20 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 800 Arena Points.”
“I made 100 arena games, when arena points flushed , i won 4000 Arena Points.”

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