I don’t understand how to use custom SQL queries in files in the /sql/custom/xxx folders in the right way.
Here’s an example of what I’m doing:
[ul][li]In Juli 2017 I start a complete new project and use TDB_full_world_335.63_2017_04_18.sql and all the stuff from git repository at this date.[/li]
[li]I commit to whole stuff in my own git repository.[/li]
[li]In Aug. 2017 I made some database modifications, create therefore some custom SQL files. I let do the core an automatic update as usual.[/li]
[li]I commit the custom SQLs in my own git repository.[/li]
[li]I do regular updates of TC 3.3.5 branch and merge them in my repository.[/li]
[li]In the meantime databases and table change their structures by different TC updates.[/li]
[li]In Spring 2018 Trinity is providing a new TDB_full_world_335.64_2018_02_19.sql[/li]
In June 2018 somebody else would like to start on another system a copy of our customized project.
[ul][li]He’s cloning the custom project from git repository and compiles it.[/li]
[li]At the updating process the core is asking for TDB_full_world_335.64_2018_02_19.sql[/li]
[li]After that (I guess) the core is applying outstanding TC updates and all the custom sql updates I made before.[/li]
But how can I prevent possible database conflicts between my sql queries in the custom updates I made in Aug. 2017 with the database structure of Spring 2018 ?