Ideal server hardware? TrinityCore's limitations?

That is perfect.

The only other question that I have at the moment, is regarding the implementation of Worgen and Pandaren races, since they have a substantial place in the lore. From what I’ve read, the main problem is just ensuring that all the necessary data is put into the databases, while having to export the models and animations to the older formats. I’ve been looking real hard to find information on how to go through that process, but the most I’ve found are dead links on Modcraft, and very vague posts on Model-Changing. I.E, “Downport the models, edit your server source, easy”. Am I just blind, or is this information not readily available?

I am not sure what the policy on sharing links to other forums is here, so I’ll refrain from doing it. I’m sure there are a couple of well written tutorials on retro-porting races though.

Good, so it’s not a hope in vain. Just got to find the right forums then.

Got one other question, now that it crosses my mind. The login server address has to be different from the IP of the actual server that TrinityCore runs on, so I have to get two servers right?

Why would it have to be different?

I thought that’s how it works. Uses change their Realmlist to a login server IP, which is then routed to the game server itself. Or am I mistaken?

If I understand correctly you’re asking if you can run an instance of the auth (login) server and an instance of the world (game) server executables on the same machine, if so then the answer is yes. You don’t need separate machines for this.
Here is a setup link from the official wiki.

That is fabulous. You’ve been a great help.

Now that I’ve got all this information, I need to knuckle down and get started with development.

Alrighty, got a cheaper server from Hetzner’s server auction, since £40 a month is a bit steep.

I’ve followed the Linux installation guide to the letter, and everything’s compiled just fine so far. But there is this entry in the guide:

Installing MySQL Server

When configuring MySQL make sure you remember the password you set for the default root account and that you enabled both MyISAM and InnoDB engines.

That’s vague to the point of being useless for anybody that doesn’t already know what to do. How do I install MySQL Server? What do I need to configure? What are MyISAM and InnoDB? How do I enable them?

Finally got this under control now. And while I’m transferring the client to the server, I decided to work on some music. Got more questions about TrinityCore.

It was mentioned that I can override the music being played by a player’s client by sending a packet to it, and have it point to my custom music. Is it possible to queue various tracks to play one after the other? So if I have Battle01, which plays for 40 seconds exactly, I want to then have Battle02 to play immediately after with no pause in between. Is that possible?