Insignia/medallion Exchange + Hellfire Tower Tokens

[CODE]-- some more item exchanges upon faction change
DELETE FROM player_factionchange_items WHERE alliance_id IN
(44098, 18863, 18864, 29593, 40476, 18862, 18859, 18854, 18856, 18857, 18858,
30350, 30351, 30349, 38589, 28237, 28234, 28235, 28236, 30348, 37864, 42123, 42124, 51377,
17961, 17900, 17901, 17902, 17903, 17904);
INSERT INTO player_factionchange_items (race_A, alliance_id, commentA, race_H, horde_id, commentH) VALUES
(0, 44098, ‘Inherited Insignia of the Alliance(1)’, 0, 44097, ‘Inherited Insignia of the Horde(1)’),
(0, 18863, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18853, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: druid
(0, 18864, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 29592, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: paladin
(0, 29593, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18845, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: shaman
(0, 40476, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 40477, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia (hellfire fortifications)
(0, 18862, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18851, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: priest
(0, 18859, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18850, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: mage
(0, 18854, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18834, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: warrior
(0, 18856, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18846, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: hunter
(0, 18857, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18849, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: rogue
(0, 18858, ‘Insignia of the Alliance(60)’, 0, 18852, ‘Insignia of the Horde(60)’), – insignia: warlock

(0, 30350, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 30344, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: warrior
(0, 30351, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 30345, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: shaman
(0, 30349, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 30346, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: priest
(0, 38589, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 38588, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: dk
(0, 28237, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 28243, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: hunter
(0, 28234, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 28240, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: rogue
(0, 28235, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 28241, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: druid
(0, 28236, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 28242, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: paladin
(0, 30348, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(115)’, 0, 30343, ‘Medallion of the Horde(115)’), – medallion: warlock
(0, 37864, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(128)’, 0, 37865, ‘Medallion of the Horde(128)’), – medallion generic
(0, 42123, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(200)’, 0, 42122, ‘Medallion of the Horde(200)’), – medallion generic
(0, 42124, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(226)’, 0, 42126, ‘Medallion of the Horde(226)’), – medallion generic
(0, 51377, ‘Medallion of the Alliance(264)’, 0, 51378, ‘Medallion of the Horde(264)’), – medallion generic

(0, 24579, ‘Mark of Honor Hold(60)’, 0, 24581, ‘Mark of Thrallmar(60)’), – hellfire tower tokens

(0, 17691, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 1(60)’, 0, 17690, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 1(60)’), – frostwolf / stormpike insignia
(0, 17900, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 2(60)’, 0, 17905, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 2(60)’),
(0, 17901, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 3(60)’, 0, 17906, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 3(60)’),
(0, 17902, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 4(60)’, 0, 17907, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 4(60)’),
(0, 17903, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 5(60)’, 0, 17908, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 5(60)’),
(0, 17904, ‘Stormpike Insignia Rank 6(60)’, 0, 17909, ‘Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6(60)’);


completely and utterly untested. /emoticons/default_smile.png