Log in logs on server


Some time ago I was able to config to generate logs as follow:

2013-06-19 00:57:01 Account: 1 (IP: x.x.x.x) Login Character:[Admin] (GUID: 1)

Since when the new logging method was implemented I’m unable to find how to do so, could someone please give me a hand??

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This thread is not related to the official Trinity codebase and was moved to the Custom Code section.

Please read the stickies next time.

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This was part of trinity, not a custom code. Is this now not possible using current logging configurations?

You could have solved your question by yourself:

  • Search “Login Character” in code and you will find it in src/server/game/Handlers/CharacterHandler.cpp

TC_LOG_INFO(“entities.player.character”, “Account: %d (IP: %s) Login Character:[%s] (GUID: %u) Level: %d”,

Now you need to configure logger “entities.player.character” at least to INFO in order to get that message again

Thanks Spp, never thought of that.

I have a doubt about the MaxFileSize setting, What will happen when the file grows to that size? Is it unly usable with flag 8?
