my gossip creature remove an email (email must exist in the mail table) from the player character. My question: Is there a way to reload/refresh the mail account from the player? I try it with
but that dont work.
My second question: I want to modify the hearthstone. So if the player use the herathstone, then the player teleport to his home bind location and the playerphase set to 1. I try to find the code location and try this in the SpellEffects.cpp:
if (player->IsInFlight())
if(player->GetPhaseMask() != 1)
player->SetPhaseMask(1, true);
player->TeleportTo(player->GetStartPosition(), TELE_TO_SPELL);
// homebind location is loaded always
// target->TeleportTo(target->m_homebindMapId, target->m_homebindX, target->m_homebindY, target->m_homebindZ, target->GetOrientation(), (m_caster == m_caster ? TELE_TO_SPELL : 0));
// Stuck spell trigger Hearthstone cooldown
SpellInfo const* spellInfo = sSpellMgr->GetSpellInfo(8690);
I think its the wrong location. Any hints?