Problem with log system and ingame who list


I try to log all the chat channels (say, yell, emote, general, trade, etc.) but i dont get any message. My configuration:

#    ChatLogs.Channel
#        Description: Log custom channel chat.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Channel = 1

#    ChatLogs.Whisper
#        Description: Log whispers between players.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Whisper = 1

#    ChatLogs.SysChan
#        Description: Log system channel messages.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.SysChan = 1

#    ChatLogs.Party
#        Description: Log party chat.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Party = 1

#    ChatLogs.Raid
#        Description: Log raid chat.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Raid = 1

#    ChatLogs.Guild
#        Description: Log guild chat.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Guild = 1

#    ChatLogs.Public
#        Description: Log public chat (say/yell/emote).
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Public = 1

#    ChatLogs.Addon
#        Description: Log addon messages.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.Addon = 0

#    ChatLogs.BattleGround
#        Description: Log battleground chat.
#        Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                     1 - (Enabled)

ChatLogs.BattleGround = 1


Appender.Server=2,2,9,Server.log,a,Console Server,Console Server

Where is my mistake?

Problem solved

Could you write down how you solved it so someone with a similar problem can find this topic?