Problema En Dase De Datos

Hola, Queria comentar un error en la base de datos que estoy teniendo des pues de actualizar mi servidor hoy 15/04/2012

la actualización fue de core y base de datos

en DBErrors me tiro unos errores en gameobject_loot_template

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27079 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26959 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27074 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27086 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26962 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28683 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26967 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27080 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26960 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26961 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-15 07:12:10 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 10961 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.

Quería saber si es error mio o es error en la actualiazacion.

Yo no tengo esos errores.

2012-04-15 08:32:37 Loading gameobject loot templates…

2012-04-15 08:32:38 >> Loaded 18422 gameobject loot templates in 829 ms


Entonces voy a hacer todo de nuevo para ver donde estuvo mi error

gracias /emoticons/default_biggrin.png

¿Usas TDB limpia?

Creo que es devido a este commit:…69f2c57d83766c5

Si usas TDB limpia creo que no debería darte error aplicando los sql updates.

Sino, te tocará revisar las entradas que te muestra en gameobject_loot_template.

Si uso TDB pero no es limpia es la que venia trabajando con mi servidor, Ya había actualizado la base de datos antes y no me dio problemas, Pero al actualizarla hoy si me dio esos problemas tan bien estoy pensando que puede ser problema del archivo que junta todas las actualizaciones en 1 script solo puede que sea eso por que la primera ves que actualice fue de forma manual 1 por 1.

Probare poniendo el backup de la DB antes de la ultima actualización y probar si es el programa que genera el script el problema.

probare y pondré el resultado /emoticons/default_biggrin.png


Hola de nuevo traigo resultados de lo que hice.

Clone el repo de nuevo compile el emulador de nuevo por si era eso, actualice la base de datos con las últimos updates y me sigue dando los errores en la base de de datos.

dejo detalles de todo para ver si alguien sabe que puede ser

log de worldserver

2012-04-16 06:33:16 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.

2012-04-16 06:33:16 Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012)

2012-04-16 06:33:16 Using ACE version: 5.8.3

2012-04-16 06:33:17 TrinityCore rev. 2012-04-15 17:41:37 +0200 (39b3589dcb54) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon)

2012-04-16 06:33:17 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2012-04-16 06:33:17  ______					   __

2012-04-16 06:33:17 /\__  _\	   __		  __/\ \__

2012-04-16 06:33:17 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __

2012-04-16 06:33:17    \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \

2012-04-16 06:33:17	 \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \

2012-04-16 06:33:17	  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \

2012-04-16 06:33:17	   \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \

2012-04-16 06:33:17								  C O R E  /\___/

2012-04-16 06:33:17				    \/__/

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Realm running as realm ID 1

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Using World DB: TDB 335.11.46

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Using DataDir ./

2012-04-16 06:33:17 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 PetLOS:1

2012-04-16 06:33:17 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading Trinity strings...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loaded 914 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Initialize data stores...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Initialized 96 data stores in 419 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Using esES DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: esES

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading spell dbc data corrections...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loading spell dbc data corrections  in 7 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading SpellInfo store...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loaded spell custom attributes in 75 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loaded 10219 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading spell custom attributes...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loaded spell custom attributes in 34 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading GameObject models...

2012-04-16 06:33:17 >> Loaded 2321 GameObject models in 5 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:17

2012-04-16 06:33:17 Loading Script Names...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 1917 Script Names in 231 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Instance Template...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 83 instance templates in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading instances...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded instances in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Localization strings...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Localization strings loaded in 3 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Page Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 1834 page texts in 11 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Game Object Templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 19065 game object templates in 387 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Rank Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 5590 spell rank records in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Required Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 41 spell required records in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Group types...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 453 spell group definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Learn Skills...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 99 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 7 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Learn Spells...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 8 spell learn spells + 572 found in DBC in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 1086 extra and 62 custom spell proc event conditions in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Bonus Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 317 extra spell bonus data in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 106 SpellThreatEntries in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 48 spell group stack rules in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading NPC Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 6020 npc texts in 234 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 42 enchant proc data definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 28607 Item Enchantment definitions in 70 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Disables

2012-04-16 06:33:18 >> Loaded 319 disables in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:18

2012-04-16 06:33:18 Loading Items...

2012-04-16 06:33:20 >> Loaded 37293 item templates in 2164 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:20

2012-04-16 06:33:20 Loading Item set names...

2012-04-16 06:33:20 >> Loaded 2481 item set names in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:20

2012-04-16 06:33:20 Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:21 >> Loaded 24142 creature model based info in 94 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:21

2012-04-16 06:33:21 Loading Equipment templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:21 >> Loaded 2478 equipment templates in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:21

2012-04-16 06:33:21 Loading Creature templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 29923 creature definitions in 1378 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Creature template addons...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 5593 creature template addons in 22 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Reputation Reward Rates...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 14 reputation_reward_rate in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 2002 creature award reputation definitions in 12 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Reputation Spillover Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 26 reputation_spillover_template in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Points Of Interest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 453 Points of Interest definitions in 3 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Creature Base Stats...

2012-04-16 06:33:22 >> Loaded 400 creature base stats in 7 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:22

2012-04-16 06:33:22 Loading Creature Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded 138776 creatures in 2748 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading pet levelup spells...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded 993 pet levelup and default spells for 39 families in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading pet default spells additional to levelup spells...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded addition spells for 111 pet spell data entries in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading summonable creature templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded 364 summonable creature templates in 7 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading Creature Addon Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded 83956 creature addons in 328 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading Creature Respawn Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:25 >> Loaded 8 creature respawn times in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:25

2012-04-16 06:33:25 Loading Gameobject Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:27 >> Loaded 81656 gameobjects in 1946 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:27

2012-04-16 06:33:27 Loading Gameobject Respawn Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:27 >> Loaded 0 gameobject respawn times. DB table `gameobject_respawn` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:27

2012-04-16 06:33:27 Loading Creature Linked Respawn...

2012-04-16 06:33:27 >> Loaded 5668 linked respawns in 15 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:27

2012-04-16 06:33:27 Loading Weather Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:27 >> Loaded 35 weather definitions in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:27

2012-04-16 06:33:27 Loading Quests...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 9464 quests definitions in 672 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Checking Quest Disables

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Checked 160 quest disables in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Quest POI

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 18749 quest POI definitions in 250 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Quests Relations...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading GO Start Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 442 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading GO End Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 374 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Creature Start Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 7531 quest relations from creature_questrelation in 31 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Creature End Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 7814 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation in 31 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Objects Pooling Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 3020 objects pools in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Creatures Pooling Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 901 creatures in pools in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 24068 gameobject in pools in 78 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Mother Pooling Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 2290 pools in mother pools in 55 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Quest Pooling Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 109 quests in pools in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Starting objects pooling system...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Pool handling system initialized, 743 pools spawned in 54 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 63 game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Saves Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 15 game event saves in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Prerequisite Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 15 game event prerequisites in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Creature Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 4074 creatures in game events in 15 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event GO Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 18717 gameobjects in game events in 79 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Model/Equipment Change Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 10 model/equipment changes in game events in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 70 quests additions in game events in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event GO Quest Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 0 go quests additions in game events. DB table `game_event_gameobject_quest` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Quest Condition Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 11 quest event conditions in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Condition Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 15 conditions in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Condition Save Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 0 condition saves in game events. DB table `game_event_condition_save` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event NPCflag Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 6 npcflags in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Seasonal Quest Relations...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 614 quests additions in game events in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Vendor Additions Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 69 vendor additions in game events in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Battleground Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 6 battleground holidays in game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Game Event Pool Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 8 pools for game events in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 253 spellclick definitions in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Vehicle Template Accessories...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 99 Vehicle Template Accessories in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Vehicle Accessories...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 0 Vehicle Accessories in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Dungeon boss data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 612 instance encounters in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading LFG rewards...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 15 lfg dungeon rewards in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading SpellArea Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 348 spell area requirements in 3 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading AreaTrigger definitions...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 224 area trigger teleport definitions in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Access Requirements...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 121 access requirement definitions in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Quest Area Triggers...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 57 quest trigger points in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Tavern Area Triggers...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 113 tavern triggers in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading AreaTrigger script names...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 71 areatrigger scripts in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Graveyard-zone links...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 700 graveyard-zone links in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading spell pet auras...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 47 spell pet auras in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Spell target coordinates...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 442 spell teleport coordinates in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading enchant custom attributes...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 32 custom enchant attributes in 3 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading linked spells...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 350 linked spells in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 62 player create definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Items Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 1 custom player create items in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Spell Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 2826 player create spells in 6 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Action Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 325 player create actions in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Level HP/Mana Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 800 level health/mana definitions in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create Level Stats Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 4960 level stats definitions in 17 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Player Create XP Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 79 xp for level definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 80 BaseXP definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading Pet Name Parts...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded 313 pet name parts in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading the max pet number...

2012-04-16 06:33:28 >> Loaded the max pet number: 0 in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:28

2012-04-16 06:33:28 Loading pet level stats...

2012-04-16 06:33:29 >> Loaded 2480 level pet stats definitions in 11 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:29

2012-04-16 06:33:29 Loading Player Corpses...

2012-04-16 06:33:29 >> Loaded 1 corpses in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:29

2012-04-16 06:33:29 Loading Player level dependent mail rewards...

2012-04-16 06:33:29 >> Loaded 24 level dependent mail rewards in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:29

2012-04-16 06:33:29 Loading creature loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 337683 creature loot templates in 1696 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading fishing loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 237 fishing loot templates in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading gameobject loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27079 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26959 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27074 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27086 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26962 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28683 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26967 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27080 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26960 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26961 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 ERROR: Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 10961 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 18431 gameobject loot templates in 97 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading item loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 4965 prospecting loot templates in 29 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading mail loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 81 mail loot templates in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading milling loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 45 milling loot templates in 3 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading pickpocketing loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 10641 pickpocketing loot templates in 61 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading skinning loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 3380 skinning loot templates in 23 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading disenchanting loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 124 disenchanting loot templates in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading prospecting loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 102 prospecting loot templates in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading spell loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:30 >> Loaded 161 spell loot templates in 6 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:30

2012-04-16 06:33:30 Loading reference loot templates...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded refence loot templates in 69 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Skill Discovery Table...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 348 skill discovery definitions in 6 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Skill Extra Item Table...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 225 spell specialization definitions in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 88 areas for fishing base skill level in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Achievements...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 43 achievement references in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Achievement Criteria Lists...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 1105 achievement criteria in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Achievement Criteria Data...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 2545 additional achievement criteria data in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Achievement Rewards...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 101 achievement rewards in 1 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Achievement Reward Locales...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 achievement reward locale strings.  DB table `locales_achievement_reward` is empty

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Completed Achievements...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 3 completed achievements in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Deleting expired auctions...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> No expired auctions to delete

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Item Auctions...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 auction items. DB table `auctionhouse` or `item_instance` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Auctions...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auctionhouse` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading guilds definitions...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 guild definitions. DB table `guild` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading ArenaTeams...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 arena teams. DB table `arena_team` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Groups...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading ReservedNames...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 0 reserved player names. DB table `reserved_name` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading GameObjects for quests...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 1140 GameObjects for quests in 2 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading BattleMasters...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 136 battlemaster entries in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading GameTeleports...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 1421 GameTeleports in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Gossip menu...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 3769 gossip_menu entries in 8 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Gossip menu options...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 3053 gossip_menu_option entries in 54 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Vendors...

2012-04-16 06:33:31 >> Loaded 37381 Vendors in 133 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:31

2012-04-16 06:33:31 Loading Trainers...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 80019 Trainers in 912 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading Waypoints...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 72187 waypoints in 638 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading SmartAI Waypoints...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 83 SmartAI waypoint paths (total 1159 waypoints) in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading Creature Formations...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 285 creatures in formations in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading World States...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 4 world states in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading Conditions...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 7070 conditions in 47 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading faction change achievement pairs...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 126 faction change achievement pairs in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading faction change spell pairs...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 101 faction change spell pairs in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading faction change item pairs...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 735 faction change item pairs in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading faction change reputation pairs...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 15 faction change reputation pairs in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading GM tickets...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 0 GM tickets. DB table `gm_tickets` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading GM surveys...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded GM Survey count from database in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading client addons...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 23 known addons in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Returning old mails...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> No expired mails found.

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading Autobroadcasts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 0 autobroadcasts definitions. DB table `autobroadcast` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading quest_start_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 104 script definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading quest_end_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 260 script definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading spell_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 85 script definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading gameobject_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 55 script definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading event_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 403 script definitions in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading waypoint_scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 728 script definitions in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading Scripts text locales...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 280 string templates from db_script_string in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading CreatureEventAI Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 977 string templates from creature_ai_texts in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 977 additional CreatureEventAI Texts data in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...

2012-04-16 06:33:32 >> Loaded 21 CreatureEventAI summon definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:32

2012-04-16 06:33:32 Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 17242 CreatureEventAI scripts in 187 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading spell script names...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 751 spell script names in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Creature Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 1337 creature texts for 402 creatures in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Creature Text Locales...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Initializing Scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TSCR: Loading Script Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 2909 string templates from script_texts in 11 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TSCR: Loading Script Texts additional data...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 2909 additional Script Texts data in 11 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TSCR: Loading Custom Texts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 0 string templates. DB table `custom_texts` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TSCR: Loading Custom Texts additional data...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 0 additional Custom Texts data. DB table `custom_texts` is empty.

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TSCR: Loading Script Waypoints for 80 creature(s)...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 2080 Script Waypoint nodes in 16 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading C++ scripts

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 1902 C++ scripts in 114 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Validating spell scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Validated 908 scripts in 4 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading SmartAI scripts...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 1098 SmartAI scripts in 40 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Calendar data...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Initialize game time and timers

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Starting Map System

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Starting Game Event system...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Player::DeleteOldChars: Deleting all characters which have been deleted 30 days before...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Starting Arena Season...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Arena Season 8 started...

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Starting Battleground System

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 11 battlegrounds in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Starting Outdoor PvP System

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 6 outdoor PvP definitions in 0 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Transports...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 20 transports in 53 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Transport NPCs...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 247 transport npcs in 297 ms

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Warden Checks...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Warden disabled, loading checks skipped.

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading Warden Action Overrides...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 >> Loaded 0 Warden action overrides. DB table `warden_action` is empty!

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Deleting expired bans...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Calculate next daily quest reset time...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Calculate next weekly quest reset time...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Calculate random battleground reset time...

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loading character name data

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Loaded name data for 6 characters

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 WORLD: World initialized in 0 minutes 16 seconds

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 worldserver process priority class set to HIGH

2012-04-16 06:33:33

2012-04-16 06:33:33 Max allowed socket connections 1024

2012-04-16 06:33:33 TrinityCore rev. 2012-04-15 17:41:37 +0200 (39b3589dcb54) (Win32, Release) (worldserver-daemon) ready...

Log de DBError.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27079 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26959 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27074 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27993 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27086 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27985 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28072 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28057 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26962 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28683 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 28090 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26967 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 27080 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26960 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 26961 (gameobject entry) does not exist but used as loot id in DB.

2012-04-16 06:21:25 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 10961 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.

e pasado varias horas pensando por que con la base de datos limpia agrego los updates y no me da ningun problema pero con la base de datos que funciona mi server le agrego los updates y me da estos errores.

Si alguien me puede iluminar se lo agradecería

PD: si necesitan saber algo mas solo me dicen

vacia esa tabla e intenta con la mia.

y me comentas.

El error te sale, porque no existen esas entradas con gameobject_loot_template en tu BD, pero en gameobject_template tienen puesto esa entrada como loot.

Supongo que debes hacer una de dos, o creas los gameobject_loot_template faltantes o se los quitas a los gameobject_template.

SELECT * FROM `gameobject_template` WHERE `data1` IN (27079,26959,27074,27993,28072,27985,27993,27086,27985,28072,28057,28057,28090,26962,28683,28090,26967,27080,26960,26961,10961);

Sigo con el mismo problema les dejo mi gameobjet loot y a ver si ustedes

para que lo prueben ustedes a ver si les da el mismo problema por que la verdad e estado probando de todo pero no soy un experto en base de datos por eso se me complica.

Si alguien quiere mostrarme de una forma mas visual puedo dar teamviwer me mandan pm y doy los datos y agradezco a todos por ayudarme

No se si será lo acertado, pero prueba como te he dicho a quitarles el loot de gameobject_template, así supongo que no debería salirte el error, o haces eso, o creas los gameobject_loot_templates por ti mismo.

UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `data1`=0 WHERE `entry` IN (185500,194328,194313,202337,202180,202212,202336,194325,194957,201710,201874,201872,202177,201875,194331,188192,202179,194958,194326,194329,194330);

Excelente así si me funciono aunque me quedo solo un solo pero ese ya lo arreglo yo por que creo aver entendido como se hace te agradezco por la ayuda /emoticons/default_biggrin.png

2012-04-17 15:35:24 Table 'gameobject_loot_template' entry 10961 isn't gameobject entry and not referenced from loot, and then useless.