[Question] scripting Ahune

thanks for that, but the events still not trigger.

Did you add AddSC_boss_ahune() in ScriptLoader.cpp?

On that subject, did you set scriptname in db?

im not a noob /emoticons/default_biggrin.png yea i added it.

but the problem is in the script, as i said the entercombat() triggered just fine, but isnt working anything in the updateai(), no adds, no minions, no spells.

and the damage feedback is working only one way, frozen_core → boss_ahune

i tried with event style, and with timers too.

i tried everything i know, but still nothing.

Any info on this? /emoticons/default_smile.png

Ok, so I tried scripting this guy and here’s how far I’ve gotten. As a matter of fact I didn’t test it yet, because I couldn’t get it to work :confused: So here’s what I did:

[ol][li]Added SlavePens/boss_ahune.cpp to src/server/scripts/Outland/CMakeLists.txt[/li]

[li]Added AddSC_boss_ahune(); twice to ScriptLoader.cpp[/li]

[li]Update ScriptName for the Base Entry[/li]

[li]Recompiled, Installed and Run[/li]
but Ahune didn’t have any script-behaviour at all.

Missed ScriptPCH include…

This is how far I’ve gotten: https://gist.github…20820396d5a7eda

I’m mostly working off of videos, because I wouldn’t have any sniffs or anything. So a lot of things would be custom and not make their way into TC at all, I suppose.

I hope we can get this to work in the last three two days before Midsummer Madness starts.

Also here’s what is still bugging me:

[ul][li]Summon Positions are not sniffed in any way[/li]
[li]Loot Chest Spell wants to summon GO that is not in TDB46, though a different chest contains Lvl80 Loot.[/li]
[li]Ice Spear, no clue. Probably summon Bunny below player, bind the GO to it, after Timer get players in range and ruffle them up[/li]
[li]Timers…especially Hailstone Aura Stacking Time, Frostwind Pull Effect[/li]
[li]Target-Selection for the Frostwind Pull Effect[/li]
[li]Cold Slap Spell has no knockback effect so far[/li]
[li]Template Updates in DB for Level 82, respectivly 80[/li]

Does anybody know spells,spawn location, timers related with this boss?
These is what i’ve got so far:

enum Spells { // Ahune SPELL_AHUNES_SHIELD = 45954, SPELL_COLD_SLAP = 46145, SPELL_MAKE_BONFIRE = 45930, SPELL_SUMMONING_VISUAL1 = 45937, // below Ahune (?) SPELL_SUMMONING_VISUAL2 = 45938, // below the Summoning Stone (?) SPELL_SUMMON_MINION_VISUAL = 46103, // Midsummer - Ahune - Summon Minion, Lower SPELL_RESURFACE = 46402, SPELL_SUMMON_LOOT = 46891, SPELL_AHUNE_ACHIEVEMENT = 62043, SPELL_SELF_STUN = 46416, SPELL_SHIELD = 45954, SPELL_BEAM_ATTACK = 46336, SPELL_BEAM_ATTACK_BEAM = 46363, SPELL_BEAM = 45576, //Wrong Spell SPELL_SUBMERGE = 37550, SPELL_EMERGE = 50142, SPELL_SNOWY = 46423, SPELL_ICE_BOMBARDMENT = 46396, // Coldweave SPELL_SUMMON_COLDWEAVE = 46143, SPELL_BITTER_BLAST = 46406, // Frostwind SPELL_SUMMON_FROSTWIND = 46382, SPELL_LIGHTNING_SHIELD = 12550, SPELL_WIND_BUFFET = 46568, // Hailstone SPELL_SUMMON_HAILSTONE = 46176, SPELL_CHILLING_AURA = 46885, SPELL_PULVERIZE = 2676, // Ice Spear SPELL_SUMMON_ICE_SPEAR_BUNNY = 46359, SPELL_SUMMON_ICE_SPEAR_GO = 46369, SPELL_ICE_SPEAR_DELAY = 46878, SPELL_ICE_SPEAR_KNOCKBACK = 46360, SPELL_ICE_SPEAR_VISUAL = 75498, // Slippery Floor SPELL_SLIP = 45947, // stun SPELL_YOU_SLIPPED = 45946, // decrease speed SPELL_SLIPPERY_FLOOR = 45945, // periodic, channeled SPELL_SLIPPERY_FLOOR_AMBIENT = 46314, // frozen core spells SPELL_ICE_SPEAR_AURA = 46371, SPELL_SYNCH_HEALTH = 46430, SPELL_SUICIDE = 45254, SPELL_FROZEN_CORE_HIT = 46810, // procs on melee hit; should summon npc 26239 for a 2 seconds SPELL_GHOST_DISGUISE = 46786 // triggered by spell 46809 };