Searching For A Spell In The Db

Hey, under which table do I search for to find effects for spells? I’m trying to fix, it doesn’t do anything when cast. This spell is activated when a player consumes a So the spell has to be missing some data which defines its effect. Thank you.

Effect 0: Id 6 (SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA) BasePoints = 27 Targets (1, 0) (TARGET_UNIT_CASTER, 0) Aura Id 34 (SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_HEALTH), value = 27, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, periodic = 0 Trigger spell (2334) Elixir de robustesse mineure. Chance = 101

Spell #2334:

BasePoints = 1
Targets (1, 0) (TARGET_UNIT_CASTER, 0)
EffectItemType = 2458

Strange blizzard trick.

How did you get that information for it? lol And where can I edit it?

Spellwork. Check Shauren’s github account.

Looks like there was a very lazy Blizzard developer lül