SmartAI Randomizing

Been trying to figure out a way to make it so that a mob can summon another mob into 1 of 10 possible randomized fixed locations thru SmartAI without success since “apparently” there is no way to randomize it, if anybody knows a direct or indirect way to add randomization to a summon would be kindly appreciated, thanks. /emoticons/default_smile.png

you should look into pooling, I think.

I’m not sure what you mean by this /emoticons/default_tongue.png

There’s two ways of randomizing it. The easiest one to keep track of is to run a timer with [COLOR=rgb(51,51,51)]SMART_ACTION_CALL_RANDOM_TIMED_ACTIONLIST / [COLOR=rgb(51,51,51)]SMART_ACTION_CALL_RANDOM_RANGE_TIMED_ACTIONLIST and spawn the creature at different co-ordinates on every actionlist. The other is to use event phases with [COLOR=rgb(51,51,51)]SMART_ACTION_RANDOM_PHASE / [COLOR=rgb(51,51,51)]SMART_ACTION_RANDOM_PHASE_RANGE.

Excellent suggestons, only that the RANDOM_PHASE one is limited to 7 posible phases aka 7 possible spawn locations, so I’m gonna go ahead and test TIMED_ACTIONLIST though I’m not sure exactly how it works, gotta check the wiki, thanks :3

Let me know how that turned out. I know actionlists aren’t easy at first. /emoticons/default_smile.png