http://i42.tinypic.com/n6aq7q_th.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/2r2lqq9_th.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/axr8o_th.jpghttp://i41.tinypic.com/12364hw_th.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/nwho7_th.jpg
[SIZE=18px]TrinityDB SQL Batch Installer[/SIZE]
So, what is this? What does it do?
In short, when I grabbed the database from the Git the other day, I was surprised to see that the database was contained within one huge SQL file weighing in at about 80MB. Now, it’s not unheard of; and most databases out there (especially the new ones) are happy with it that way. It works! That is, if you know how to import the SQL file using a command line prompt. Most people new to the private server community don’t, and the surprisingly easy (to us) and yet long import syntax can be very confusing to the newcomer. So I made it easier by splitting all the tables into there own separate SQL files and scripting a batch file that will import, backup, update and install changesets automatically, ALL WITHIN 30 SECONDS ON AVERAGE! Providing you give it just a little input here and there.
• Import DB - Wipes and does a clean install of DB (MAKE SURE TO BACKUP UNLESS NEW DB!)
(Also be sure to copy your tdb_full.sql from the TCDB repo into development/trinity_world)
• Backup DB - Backs up all tables in specified world db and dumps them to the ./world_dump folder.
• Update DB - copy sql’s from /Trinity/sql/updates in here and it will update for you!
• Dump Specific Table - If you have made changes to the database, and you would rather quickly
dump one specific table into a file, then you can simply specify that table within this sub-menu,
and it will dump only that specific table to the ./world_dump folder.
Useful info
• If you backup the db or a table that you have made changes to, you can save it and re-import it to a new database (perhaps a second realm) by simply dropping it in the ./trinity_world folder.
TODO: Get the event SQL’s and include an Event Install/Uninstall feature.