"unknown column" "missing table" "duplicate column" error / sql problems / SQLDriverLogFile < answer on 1st post of 1st page

Hey anyone know how I can get this thing up and running? heh, I keep getting this error:

[CODE][ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 0, sql: “DELETE FROM pool_quest_save WHERE pool_id = ?”

[ERROR]: Table ‘characters.pool_quest_save’ doesn’t exist

~DatabaseWorkerPool for ‘’.

~DatabaseWorkerPool for ‘characters’.

~DatabaseWorkerPool for ‘world’.


When launching the ./worldserver

using the most up-to-date version of TDB. Does anyone have an idea what’s going on?

Trying on a x64 bit install of Ubuntu 10.10.

You sure you applied all the updates from the trinitycore

Well I used the most current fresh install. I had looked everywhere in the error logs, inc the DB Errors, and nothing. That error shows up in the server.

“[ERROR]: Table ‘characters.pool_quest_save’ doesn’t exist”

Looks like you missed that table.

Simply run this query in the characters database:

[CODE]DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pool_quest_save;

CREATE TABLE pool_quest_save (

pool_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,

quest_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,

PRIMARY KEY (pool_id,quest_id)


Which we can find in the 3.3.5 sql updates folder; found it in 10 seconds ^^

OK tried it and still nothing…

Opening databasepool 'world'. Async threads: 1, synch threads: 1

MySQL client library: 5.1.49

MySQL server ver: 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1

MySQL client library: 5.1.49

MySQL server ver: 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1

Databasepool opened succesfuly. 2 total connections running.

Opening databasepool 'characters'. Async threads: 1, synch threads: 2

MySQL client library: 5.1.49

MySQL server ver: 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1

[ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "UPDATE character_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate <> bandate"

[ERROR]: Table 'characters.character_banned' doesn't exist

~DatabaseWorkerPool for ''.

~DatabaseWorkerPool for 'characters'.

~DatabaseWorkerPool for 'world'.

NVM Re-imported the sql files via ssh and it worked. Guess Navicat is just horrible.

I have been repeating this for more than 2 years, NAVICAT is a piece of shit.

lol, guess so.

It’s sad that they haven’t fixed these problems in over 2 years, and that people continue to use it, instead of the much superior (and free) SQLyog community edition…

[CODE][ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 1, sql: “DELETE FROM linked_respawn WHERE guid = ?”

[ERROR]: Table ‘linked_respawn’ doesn’t exist


Same problem here. A little help would be great. Thanks in advance.

Did you read the entire thread Zeni…?

Are you talking about Jayzee’s post ? Hm…a bit harder with linked_respawn table.

no these two

I used Jayzee’s query (Thank you btw ) replacing it with my linked_respawn fields. Now, after ./worldserver, this happens :

[CODE][ERROR]: In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 27, sql: “SELECT creatorGuid, giftCreatorGuid, count, duration, charges, flags, enchantments, randomPropertyId, durability, playedTime, text, bag, slot, item, itemEntry FROM character_inventory ci JOIN item_instance ii ON ci.item = ii.guid WHERE ci.guid = ? ORDER BY bag, slot”

[ERROR]: Unknown column ‘itemEntry’ in ‘field list’[/CODE]

Abracadabra ! Any reappearances on this one ?

What was used to insert the database…? /emoticons/default_mellow.png

`itemEntry` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',=> I suspect this is the cause . It’s in the characters_database.sql . Need to delete this entry from the item_instance related query. Any hints please ?

LE : Fixed it. Just drop the item_instance table and rebuild it with the itemEntry column in it.

OMG u cant just drop this table - all items will disappear from ur characters inventory.

[CODE]-- Add new column to item_instance table

ALTER TABLE item_instance ADD COLUMN itemEntry mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ AFTER guid;

– Set values for new column from corresponding columns in other tables

UPDATE item_instance ii, auctionhouse ah

SET ii.itemEntry = ah.item_template

WHERE ii.guid = ah.itemguid;

UPDATE item_instance ii, character_inventory ci

SET ii.itemEntry = ci.item_template

WHERE ii.guid = ci.item;

UPDATE item_instance ii, guild_bank_item gbi

SET ii.itemEntry = gbi.item_entry

WHERE ii.guid = gbi.item_guid;

UPDATE item_instance ii, mail_items mi

SET ii.itemEntry = mi.item_template

WHERE ii.guid = mi.item_guid;[/CODE]
U missed 10654_characters_item_instance.sql update.

When I run worldserver.exe it automatically shuts down…

I made a batch file to pause the application before closing and this (http://pastebin.com/3HgrSm3T) is the error it is giving me.

worldserver.conf - http://pastebin.com/GmtqWkDz

authserver.conf - http://pastebin.com/JEeWyQUk

-Thanks /emoticons/default_biggrin.png

Have you made sure to apply all the DB updates?

I actually had my hosting provider compile the core. How do I apply the database updates?