View New Content Omits Some Forums

The view new content link at the top right of each page is what I usually load to find what’s new and going on here. I’ve noticed any posts beneath Custom Code and Mods never appear in that feed.

I get that it’s probably intentional board wide, but would it be possible to add it as a UserCP option? Or is there another method I can use to get “all” forums on the board into that feed for myself? (aside from the language ones, I’m just a dumb American and only speak English /emoticons/default_sad.png )

It’s intended.

I also would like to have some kind of system where I can “subscribe” to the forums I want to see updates from, and “unsubscribe” from those I don’t want to see updates from…

i wrote a reply but i cant seem to figure out what happened to it… either way, the reason the custom section isnt there is because of previous public outcry, I personally think its a silly idea that the custom section (my fav section on these forums) is excluded from whats new function.

That’s kinda what I figured. Is there possiblly an IPB mod to push that to the UserCP? I honestly don’t know what it would involve (if it’s doable and you felt up to it /emoticons/default_smile.png ) as I’ve only ever run phpBB boards myself.

It’s retarded.

I think show new content should show all the new content. Those other topics are completely useless if nobody ever sees them. Frankly I hate it.

I concur.

View new content should not show english speakers the other languages sections, I don’t really care about topics I can’t read, now that I am not a mod and can’t ban them for doing obviously prohibited things…

Agreed /emoticons/default_smile.png (for non-moderators, that is).

Agreed /emoticons/default_smile.png (for non-moderators, that is).

like I said, no way to make everyone happy…

I don’t mind languages I can’t read showing up in new content. I can just ignore it if I want or I can try to figure it out if I’m curious. /emoticons/default_smile.png