World of Warcraft: Shadowlands 9.0.2

I am getting the following error. Because of which I cannot enter the world. Also I am using the old worldserver.conf. With the new one, this is the mistake.

Didn’t find any executable MySQL binary at ‘F:/Release 9.0.2(36839)’ or in path, correct the path in the *.conf (“MySQLExecutable”).
Could not update the Login database, see log for details.


TrinityCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon)
to stop.

/\__  _\       __          __/\ \__
\/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\    ___ /\_\ \, _\  __  __
   \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
     \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
      \/_/\/_/   \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
                                 C O R E  /\___/ /__/

Using configuration file F:/Release 9.0.2(36839)/worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016)
Using Boost version: 1.66.0
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: Unknown world database.
Using enUS DBC Locale
Will clear logs table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Client cache version set to: 0
Using DataDir Data/
WORLD: MMap data directory is: Data/mmaps
VMap height checking disabled! Creatures movements and other various things WILL be broken! Expect no support.
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 0, getHeight: 0, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: Data/vmaps
Loading Trinity strings…
>> Loaded 28 trinity strings in 2 ms
Initialize data stores…
>> Initialized 259 DB2 data stores in 7137 ms
>> Loaded 928 hotfix blob records in 36 ms
>> Loaded 1381 hotfix records in 7 ms
>> Loading Cinematic Camera files
>> Loaded 0 cinematic waypoint sets in 0 ms
>> Initialized 12 GameTables in 6 ms
Loading IP Location Database…
Initializing PlayerDump tables…
>> Initialized tables for PlayerDump in 120 ms.
Loading SpellInfo store…
>> Loaded SpellInfo store in 784 ms
Loading SpellInfo corrections…
>> Loaded SpellInfo corrections in 86 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data…
>> Loaded 12602 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 1 ms
Loading SpellInfo custom attributes…
>> Loaded 23 spell custom attributes from DB in 1 ms
>> Loaded SpellInfo custom attributes in 259 ms
Loading SpellInfo diminishing infos…
>> Loaded SpellInfo diminishing infos in 54 ms
Loading SpellInfo immunity infos…
>> Loaded SpellInfo immunity infos in 145 ms
Loading PetFamilySpellsStore Data…
Loading Spell Totem models…
>> Loaded 0 spell totem model records. DB table spell_totem_model is empty.
Loading GameObject models…
>> Loaded 11697 GameObject models in 5 ms
Loading Script Names…
>> Loaded 109 ScriptNames in 12 ms
Loading Instance Template…
>> Loaded 1 instance templates in 0 ms
Loading instances…
>> Loaded instances in 4 ms
Loading Localization strings…
>> Loaded 7489 creature locale strings in 72 ms
>> Loaded 6029 Quest Template locale strings in 94 ms
>> Loaded 3301 Quest Objectives locale strings in 18 ms
>> Localization strings loaded in 211 ms
Loading Account Roles and Permissions…
>> Loaded 686 permission definitions, 668 linked permissions and 4 default permissions in 14 ms
Loading Page Texts…
>> Loaded 0 page texts. DB table page_text is empty!
Loading Game Object Templates…
>> Loaded 20 game object templates in 10 ms
Loading Game Object template addons…
>> Loaded 14 game object template addons in 1 ms
Loading Transport templates…
>> Loaded 0 transport templates. DB table gameobject_template has no transports!
Loading Transport animations and rotations…
Loading Spell Rank Data…
>> Loaded 1766 spell rank records in 2 ms
Loading Spell Required Data…
>> Loaded 0 spell required records. DB table spell_required is empty.
Loading Spell Group types…
>> Loaded 0 spell group definitions. DB table spell_group is empty.
Loading Spell Learn Skills…
>> Loaded 360 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 47 ms
Loading SpellInfo SpellSpecific and AuraState…
>> Loaded SpellInfo SpellSpecific and AuraState in 66 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells…
>> Loaded 0 spell learn spells. DB table spell_learn_spell is empty.
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data…
>> Loaded 2 spell proc conditions and data in 1 ms
Generating spell proc data from SpellMap…
>> Generated spell proc data for 7650 spells in 49 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions…
>> Loaded 0 aggro generating spells. DB table spell_threat is empty.
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules…
>> Loaded 0 spell group stack rules. DB table spell_group_stack_rules is empty.
Loading NPC Texts…
>> Loaded 2 npc texts in 1 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas…
>> Loaded 0 spell enchant proc event conditions. DB table spell_enchant_proc_data is empty.
Loading Random item bonus list definitions…
>> Loaded 0 Random item bonus list definitions. DB table item_random_bonus_list_template is empty.
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 4 disables in 1 ms
Loading Items…
>> Loaded 125638 item templates in 2414 ms
Loading Item set names…
>> Loaded 0 item addon templates in 0 ms
>> Loaded 1 item script names in 1 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data…
>> Loaded 3 creature model based info in 1 ms
Loading Creature templates…
>> Loaded 11439 creature template models in 14 ms
>> Loaded 7489 creature definitions in 63 ms
Loading Equipment templates…
>> Loaded 0 equipment templates in 2 ms
Loading Creature template addons…
>> Loaded 0 creature template addons in 0 ms
Loading Creature template scaling…
>> Loaded 0 creature template scaling definitions. DB table creature_template_scaling is empty.
Loading Reputation Reward Rates…
>> Loaded reputation_reward_rate, table is empty!
Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data…
>> Loaded 0 creature award reputation definitions in 0 ms
Loading Reputation Spillover Data…
>> Loaded reputation_spillover_template, table is empty.
Loading Points Of Interest Data…
>> Loaded 0 Points of Interest definitions. DB table points_of_interest is empty.
Loading Creature Base Stats…
>> Loaded 0 creature base stats. DB table creature_classlevelstats is empty.
Loading Spawn Group Templates…
>> Loaded 18 spawn group templates in 7 ms
Loading instance spawn groups…
>> Loaded 13 instance spawn groups in 1 ms
Loading Creature Data…
>> Loaded 0 creatures in 15 ms
Loading Temporary Summon Data…
>> Loaded 0 temp summons in 2 ms
Loading pet levelup spells…
>> Loaded 349 pet levelup and default spells for 81 families in 25 ms
Loading pet default spells additional to levelup spells…
Loading summonable creature templates…
>> Loaded 0 summonable creature templates in 45 ms
Loading Creature Addon Data…
>> Loaded 0 creature addons in 1 ms
Loading Gameobject Data…
>> Loaded 15 gameobjects in 3 ms
Loading Spawn Group Data…
Spawn data with ID (0,2017) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,10873) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,11348) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,14387) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,15031) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,17874) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,19107) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,21584) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,21594) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,21692) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,23229) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,24268) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,26987) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,29241) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,32333) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,33115) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,37085) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,40210) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,41759) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,50381) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,59383) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,62090) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,63625) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,63688) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,65108) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,67040) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,70021) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,72388) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,78685) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,78781) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,82071) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,84459) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,86832) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,93194) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,93301) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,101136) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,101303) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,111075) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,117065) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,117903) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,122686) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,132683) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,202337) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 3!
Spawn data with ID (0,47572) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52047) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52048) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52049) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52050) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52051) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52052) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,52053) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 10!
Spawn data with ID (0,7483) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,48348) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81642) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81643) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81645) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81646) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81651) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,81652) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 11!
Spawn data with ID (0,65618) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,69871) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,72432) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,81644) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,81647) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,81648) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,81649) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,81650) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,83206) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,86065) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 12!
Spawn data with ID (0,90985) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90986) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90987) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90988) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90989) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90990) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90991) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90992) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,90993) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,91247) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,91248) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,91249) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,91254) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 13!
Spawn data with ID (0,132313) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 14!
Spawn data with ID (0,126415) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 15!
Spawn data with ID (0,126414) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 16!
Spawn data with ID (0,126413) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 17!
Spawn data with ID (0,126396) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126397) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126398) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126399) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126400) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126401) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126402) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126403) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126404) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126405) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126406) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126407) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126408) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126409) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126410) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126411) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126412) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126416) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126417) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126418) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126419) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126420) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,126421) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 18!
Spawn data with ID (0,202796) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 19!
Spawn data with ID (0,202795) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 20!
Spawn data with ID (0,202794) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202799) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202800) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202801) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202802) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202803) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202804) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202805) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202806) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202807) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202808) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202809) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202810) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202811) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202812) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202813) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202814) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202815) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202816) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202817) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202818) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202819) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202820) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202821) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202822) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202823) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,202824) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 21!
Spawn data with ID (0,11003) not found, but is listed as a member of spawn group 22!
>> Loaded 0 spawn group members in 41 ms
Loading GameObject Addon Data…
>> Loaded 0 gameobject addon definitions. DB table gameobject_addon is empty.
Loading GameObject Quest Items…
>> Loaded 0 gameobject quest items. DB table gameobject_questitem is empty.
Loading Creature Quest Items…
>> Loaded 641 creature quest items in 1 ms
Loading Creature Linked Respawn…
>> Loaded 0 linked respawns. DB table linked_respawn is empty.
Loading Weather Data…
>> Loaded 0 weather definitions. DB table game_weather is empty.
Loading Quests…
>> Loaded 0 quest reward choice items. DB table quest_reward_choice_items is empty.
>> Loaded 0 quest reward display spells. DB table quest_reward_display_spell is empty.
>> Loaded 0 quest details. DB table quest_details is empty.
Table quest_request_items has data for quest 10248 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 25235 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26618 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26620 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26623 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26627 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26645 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26652 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26653 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26654 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26655 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26660 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26661 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26666 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26667 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26669 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26670 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26671 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26672 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26674 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26676 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26677 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26680 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26681 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26684 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26685 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26686 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26688 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26689 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26690 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26691 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26707 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26717 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26719 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26720 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26721 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26722 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26723 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26724 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26725 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26727 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26728 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26753 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26754 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26760 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26777 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26778 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26785 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26787 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26793 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26795 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26796 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 26797 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_offer_reward has data for quest 28564 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_template_addon has data for quest 12214 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_template_addon has data for quest 12234 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_template_addon has data for quest 12230 but such quest does not exist
>> Loaded 0 quest mail sender entries. DB table quest_mail_sender is empty.
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 12842 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 8941 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54895 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 8523 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 9486 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 3640 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 29371 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 24904 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 8941 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 51500 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 51501 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54138 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 53883 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 53701 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54137 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54134 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 53885 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 51982 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54136 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 53939 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 53711 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54135 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 54132 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 40267 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 51502 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 50242 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_objectives has data for quest 50239 but such quest does not exist
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 263335 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 257967 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 263335 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 338631 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 387978 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 387976 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 340125 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 261754 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 262334 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 267253 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 263335 but such objective does not exist.
Table quest_visual_effect has visual effect for objective 253106 but such objective does not exist.
>> Loaded 1553 quests definitions in 135 ms
Checking Quest Disables
>> Checked 0 quest disables.
Loading Quest POI
>> Loaded 85544 quest POI definitions in 377 ms
Loading Quests Starters and Enders…
Loading GO Start Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 quest relations from gameobject_queststarter, table is empty.
Loading GO End Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 quest relations from gameobject_questender, table is empty.
Loading Creature Start Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 quest relations from creature_queststarter in 0 ms
Loading Creature End Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 quest relations from creature_questender, table is empty.
Loading Quest Greetings…
>> Loaded 0 npc texts, table is empty!
Loading Objects Pooling Data…
>> Loaded 5 objects pools in 1 ms
Loading Creatures Pooling Data…
>> Loaded 0 creatures in pools in 0 ms
Loading Gameobject Pooling Data…
>> Loaded 0 gameobject in pools in 0 ms
Loading Mother Pooling Data…
>> Loaded 0 pools in pools
Loading Quest Pooling Data…
>> Loaded 0 quests in pools
Starting objects pooling system…
Loading Game Event Data…
>> Loaded 1 game events in 0 ms.
Loading Game Event Saves Data…
>> Loaded 0 game event saves in game events. DB table game_event_save is empty.
Loading Game Event Prerequisite Data…
>> Loaded 0 game event prerequisites in game events. DB table game_event_prerequisite is empty.
Loading Game Event Creature Data…
>> Loaded 0 creatures in game events in 0 ms.
Loading Game Event GO Data…
>> Loaded 0 gameobjects in game events in 0 ms.
Loading Game Event Model/Equipment Change Data…
>> Loaded 0 model/equipment changes in game events. DB table game_event_model_equip is empty.
Loading Game Event Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 quests additions in game events. DB table game_event_creature_quest is empty.
Loading Game Event GO Quest Data…
>> Loaded 0 go quests additions in game events. DB table game_event_gameobject_quest is empty.
Loading Game Event Quest Condition Data…
>> Loaded 0 quest event conditions in game events. DB table game_event_quest_condition is empty.
Loading Game Event Condition Data…
>> Loaded 0 conditions in game events. DB table game_event_condition is empty.
Loading Game Event Condition Save Data…
>> Loaded 0 condition saves in game events. DB table game_event_condition_save is empty.
Loading Game Event NPCflag Data…
>> Loaded 0 npcflags in game events. DB table game_event_npcflag is empty.
Loading Game Event Seasonal Quest Relations…
>> Loaded 0 seasonal quests additions in game events. DB table game_event_seasonal_questrelation is empty.
Loading Game Event Vendor Additions Data…
>> Loaded 0 vendor additions in game events. DB table game_event_npc_vendor is empty.
Loading Game Event Battleground Data…
>> Loaded 0 battleground holidays in game events. DB table game_event_battleground_holiday is empty.
Loading Game Event Pool Data…
>> Loaded 0 pools for game events. DB table game_event_pool is empty.
>> Loaded 0 spellclick definitions in 1 ms
Loading Vehicle Template Accessories…
>> Loaded 0 Vehicle Template Accessories in 0 ms
Loading Vehicle Accessories…
>> Loaded 0 Vehicle Accessories in 0 ms
Loading SpellArea Data…
>> Loaded 0 spell area requirements in 0 ms
Loading World locations…
>> Loaded 3220 world locations 9 ms
Loading AreaTrigger definitions…
>> Loaded 0 area trigger teleport definitions. DB table areatrigger_teleport is empty.
Loading Access Requirements…
>> Loaded 0 access requirement definitions. DB table access_requirement is empty.
Loading Quest Area Triggers…
>> Loaded 0 quest trigger points. DB table areatrigger_involvedrelation is empty.
Loading Tavern Area Triggers…
>> Loaded 0 tavern triggers. DB table areatrigger_tavern is empty.
Loading AreaTrigger script names…
>> Loaded 0 areatrigger scripts in 1 ms
Loading LFG entrance positions…
>> Loaded 0 lfg dungeon templates. DB table lfg_dungeon_template is empty!
Loading Dungeon boss data…
>> Loaded 0 instance encounters in 1 ms
Loading LFG rewards…
>> Loaded 0 lfg dungeon rewards. DB table lfg_dungeon_rewards is empty!
Loading Graveyard-zone links…
>> Loaded 1 graveyard-zone links in 0 ms
Loading spell pet auras…
>> Loaded 0 spell pet auras. DB table spell_pet_auras is empty.
Loading Spell target coordinates…
>> Loaded 1 spell teleport coordinates in 0 ms
Loading enchant custom attributes…
>> Loaded 3 custom enchant attributes in 40 ms
Loading linked spells…
>> Loaded 1 linked spells in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Data…
>> Loaded 125 player create definitions in 1 ms
Loading Player Create Items Data…
Loading Player Create Items Override Data…
>> Loaded 0 custom player create items. DB table playercreateinfo_item is empty.
Loading Player Create Skill Data…
>> Loaded player create skills in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Custom Spell Data…
>> Loaded 0 player create custom spells. DB table playercreateinfo_spell_custom is empty.
Loading Player Create Cast Spell Data…
>> Loaded 0 player create cast spells. DB table playercreateinfo_cast_spell is empty.
Loading Player Create Action Data…
>> Loaded 0 player create actions. DB table playercreateinfo_action is empty.
Loading Player Create Level Stats Data…
>> Loaded 1440 level stats definitions in 2 ms
Loading Player Create XP Data…
>> Loaded 0 xp for level definition(s) from database in 0 ms
Loading Exploration BaseXP Data…
>> Loaded 0 BaseXP definitions. DB table exploration_basexp is empty.
Loading Pet Name Parts…
>> Loaded 0 pet name parts. DB table pet_name_generation is empty!
Loading AreaTrigger Templates…
>> Loaded 0 AreaTrigger templates actions. DB table areatrigger_template_actions is empty.
>> Loaded 0 AreaTrigger templates splines. DB table spell_areatrigger_splines is empty.
>> Loaded 0 AreaTrigger templates circular movement infos. DB table spell_areatrigger_circular is empty.
>> Loaded 2 spell areatrigger templates in 3 ms.
Loading Conversation Templates…
>> Loaded 0 Conversation actor templates. DB table conversation_actor_template is empty.
>> Loaded 0 Conversation line templates. DB table conversation_line_template is empty.
>> Loaded 0 Conversation actors. DB table conversation_actors is empty.
>> Loaded 0 Conversation templates. DB table conversation_template is empty.
Loading Scenes Templates…
>> Loaded 0 scene templates in 0 ms.
Loading Player Choices…
>> Loaded 0 player choices. DB table playerchoice is empty.
Loading Player Choices Locales…
Loading the max pet number…
>> Loaded the max pet number: 0 in 1 ms
Loading pet level stats…
>> Loaded 0 level pet stats definitions. DB table pet_levelstats is empty.
Loading Player level dependent mail rewards…
>> Loaded 0 level dependent mail rewards. DB table mail_level_reward is empty.
Loading creature loot templates…
>> Loaded 65 creature loot templates in 1 ms
Loading fishing loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 fishing loot templates. DB table fishing_loot_template is empty
Loading gameobject loot templates…
>> Loaded 19 gameobject loot templates in 2 ms
Loading item loot templates…
>> Loaded 12 item loot templates in 10 ms
Loading mail loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 mail loot templates. DB table mail_loot_template is empty
Loading milling loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 milling loot templates. DB table milling_loot_template is empty
Loading pickpocketing loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 pickpocketing loot templates. DB table pickpocketing_loot_template is empty
Loading skinning loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 skinning loot templates. DB table skinning_loot_template is empty
Loading disenchanting loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 disenchanting loot templates. DB table disenchant_loot_template is empty
Loading prospecting loot templates…
>> Loaded 8 prospecting loot templates in 10 ms
Loading spell loot templates…
>> Loaded 0 spell loot templates. DB table spell_loot_template is empty
Loading reference loot templates…
>> Loaded refence loot templates in 1 ms
Loading Skill Discovery Table…
>> Loaded 0 skill discovery definitions. DB table skill_discovery_template is empty.
Loading Skill Extra Item Table…
>> Loaded 0 spell specialization definitions. DB table skill_extra_item_template is empty.
Loading Skill Perfection Data Table…
>> Loaded 0 spell perfection definitions. DB table skill_perfect_item_template is empty.
Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements…
>> Loaded 0 areas for fishing base skill level. DB table skill_fishing_base_level is empty.
Loading skill tier info…
>> Loaded 0 skill max values. DB table skill_tiers is empty.
Loading Criteria Modifier trees…
>> Loaded 140310 criteria modifiers in 82 ms
Loading Criteria Lists…
>> Loaded 23620 criteria, 1493 guild criteria, 3609 scenario criteria and 342 quest objective criteria in 63 ms.
Loading Criteria Data…
>> Loaded 0 additional criteria data. DB table criteria_data is empty.
Loading Achievements…
>> Loaded 37 achievement references in 0 ms.
Loading Achievement Rewards…
>> Loaded 0 achievement rewards. DB table achievement_reward is empty.
Loading Achievement Reward Locales…
>> Loaded 0 achievement reward locale strings. DB table achievement_reward_locale is empty.
Loading Completed Achievements…
>> Loaded 0 realm first completed achievements. DB table character_achievement is empty.
Loading character cache store…
No character name data loaded, empty query
Loading Auctions…
>> Loaded 0 auction items in 1 ms
>> Loaded 0 auction bidders in 1 ms
>> Loaded 0 auctions in 0 ms
Loading Black Market Templates…
>> Loaded 0 black market templates. DB table blackmarket_template is empty.
Loading Black Market Auctions…
>> Loaded 0 black market auctions. DB table blackmarket_auctions is empty.
Loading Guild rewards…
>> Loaded 0 guild reward definitions. DB table guild_rewards is empty.
Loading Guilds…
Loading guilds definitions…
>> Loaded 0 guild definitions. DB table guild is empty.
Loading guild finder guild-related settings…
>> Loaded 0 guild finder guild-related settings. Table guild_finder_guild_settings is empty.
Loading guild finder membership requests…
>> Loaded 0 guild finder membership requests. Table guild_finder_applicant is empty.
Loading ArenaTeams…
>> Loaded 0 arena teams. DB table arena_team is empty!
Loading Groups…
>> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table groups is empty!
Loading ReservedNames…
>> Loaded 0 reserved player names. DB table reserved_name is empty!
Loading GameObjects for quests…
>> Loaded 0 GameObjects for quests in 2 ms
Loading BattleMasters…
>> Loaded 0 battlemaster entries. DB table battlemaster_entry is empty!
Loading GameTeleports…
>> Loaded 91 GameTeleports in 1 ms
Loading Trainers…
>> Loaded 0 Trainers in 1 ms
Loading Gossip menu…
>> Loaded 2 gossip_menu IDs in 0 ms
Loading Gossip menu options…
>> Loaded 9 gossip_menu_option entries in 1 ms
Loading Creature trainers…
>> Loaded 0 default trainers in 1 ms
Loading Vendors…
>> Loaded 0 Vendors. DB table npc_vendor is empty!
Loading Waypoints…
>> Loaded 5124 waypoints in 12 ms
Loading SmartAI Waypoints…
>> Loaded 41 SmartAI waypoint paths (total 616 waypoints) in 1 ms
Loading Creature Formations…
>> Loaded 0 creatures in formations in 0 ms
Loading World States…
>> Loaded 91 world states in 0 ms
Loading Terrain World Map definitions…
>> Loaded 1 terrain world maps in 1 ms.
Loading Terrain Swap Default definitions…
>> Loaded 1 terrain swap defaults in 1 ms.
Loading Phase Area definitions…
>> Loaded 3 phase areas in 0 ms.
Loading Conditions…
>> Loaded 22 conditions in 1 ms
Loading faction change achievement pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change achievement pairs. DB table player_factionchange_achievement is empty.
Loading faction change spell pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change spell pairs. DB table player_factionchange_spells is empty.
Loading faction change quest pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change quest pairs. DB table player_factionchange_quests is empty.
Loading faction change item pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change item pairs. DB table player_factionchange_items is empty.
Loading faction change reputation pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change reputation pairs. DB table player_factionchange_reputations is empty.
Loading faction change title pairs…
>> Loaded 0 faction change title pairs. DB table player_factionchange_title is empty.
Loading mount definitions…
>> Loaded 0 mount definitions. DB table mount_definitions is empty.
Loading GM bugs…
>> Loaded 0 GM bugs. DB table gm_bug is empty!
Loading GM complaints…
>> Loaded 0 GM complaints. DB table gm_complaint is empty!
Loading GM suggestions…
>> Loaded 0 GM suggestions. DB table gm_suggestion is empty!
Loading garrison info…
>> Loaded 0 garrison follower class spec abilities. DB table garrison_plot_finalize_info is empty.
>> Loaded 0 garrison follower class spec abilities. DB table garrison_follower_class_spec_abilities is empty.
Returning old mails…
>> No expired mails found.
Loading Autobroadcasts…
>> Loaded 0 autobroadcasts definitions. DB table autobroadcast is empty for this realm!
Loading spell_scripts…
>> Loaded 0 script definitions in 1 ms
Loading event_scripts…
>> Loaded 0 script definitions in 1 ms
Loading waypoint_scripts…
>> Loaded 15 script definitions in 1 ms
Loading spell script names…
>> Loaded 100 spell script names in 1 ms
Loading Creature Texts…
>> Loaded 870 creature texts for 223 creatures in 2 ms
Loading Creature Text Locales…
Initializing Scripts…
Loading Script Waypoints for 0 creature(s)…
>> Loaded 0 Script Waypoints. DB table script_waypoint is empty.
>> Loaded spline chain data for 35 chains, consisting of 47 splines with 282 waypoints in 1 ms
Loading C++ scripts
>> Loaded 153 C++ scripts in 244 ms
Validating spell scripts…
Spell 60864 Effect Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 2 of script spell_jaws_of_death_claw_swipe_pct_damage did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook OnEffectLaunchTarget of SpellScript won’t be executed
Spell 68614 Effect Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226 of script spell_apothecary_cologne_spill did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook OnEffectPeriodic of AuraScript won’t be executed
Spell 68798 Effect Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226 of script spell_apothecary_perfume_spill did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook OnEffectPeriodic of AuraScript won’t be executed
>> Validated 100 scripts in 1 ms
Loading SmartAI scripts…
>> Loaded SmartAIMgr Helpers in 71 ms
>> Loaded 144 SmartAI scripts in 12 ms
Loading Calendar data…
>> Loaded 0 calendar events
>> Loaded 0 calendar invites
Loading Petitions…
>> Loaded 0 petitions.
Loading Signatures…
>> Loaded 0 Petition signs!
Loading Item loot…
>> Loaded 0 stored item loots
>> Loaded 0 stored item money
Initialize query data…
Initialize game time and timers
Mail timer set to: 960, mail return is called every 1440 minutes
Starting Map System
Starting Game Event system…
Initialize AuctionHouseBot…
Initializing Opcodes…
Starting Arena Season…
ArenaSeason (15) must be an existing Arena Season.
Starting Battleground System
>> Loaded 0 battlegrounds. DB table battleground_template is empty.
Starting Outdoor PvP System
>> Loaded 0 outdoor PvP definitions. DB table outdoorpvp_template is empty.
Starting Battlefield System
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 15214 does not exist.
Battlefield::InitStalker: Could not spawn Stalker (Creature entry 15214), zone messages will be unavailable!
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 28366 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190219 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190220 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191795 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191796 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191799 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191800 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191801 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191802 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191803 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191804 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191806 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191807 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191808 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191809 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190369 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190370 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190371 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190372 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190374 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190376 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190221 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190373 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190377 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190378 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191797 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191798 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191805 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190356 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190357 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190358 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190375 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191810 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 191575 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 190763 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192819 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192819 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192951 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192951 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192951 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 192951 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 43679 does not exist.
Battlefield::InitStalker: Could not spawn Stalker (Creature entry 43679), zone messages will be unavailable!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 205068 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 205101 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::AddCapturePoint: CapturePoint 0 already exists!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 205138 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::AddCapturePoint: CapturePoint 0 already exists!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 204589 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 204590 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 204588 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45066 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45067 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45068 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45074 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45069 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45075 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45073 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45076 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45072 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45077 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45071 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45079 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45070 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnCreature: entry 45078 does not exist.
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Battlefield::SpawnGameObject: GameObject template 207391 not found in database! Battlefield not created!
Loading Transports…
Loading Warden Checks…
Loading Warden Action Overrides…
Deleting expired bans…
Calculate next daily quest reset time…
Calculate next weekly quest reset time…
Calculate next monthly quest reset time…
Calculate random battleground reset time…
Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time…
Calculate next currency reset time…
Loading race and class expansion requirements…
>> Loaded 0 race expansion requirements. DB table race_expansion_requirement is empty.
>> Loaded 210 class expansion requirements in 0 ms.
Loading character templates…
>> Loaded 0 character template classes. DB table character_template_class is empty.
>> Loaded 0 character templates. DB table character_template is empty.
Loading realm names…
>> Loaded 1 realm names in 0 ms.
Loading battle pets info…
>> Loaded 0 battle pet breeds. DB table battle_pet_breeds is empty.
>> Loaded 0 battle pet qualities. DB table battle_pet_quality is empty.
Loading scenarios
>> Loaded 211 instance scenario entries in 1 ms
Loading scenario poi data
>> Loaded 0 scenario POI definitions. DB table scenario_poi is empty.
World initialized in 0 minutes 13 seconds
TrinityCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, Release, Static) (worldserver-daemon) ready…

Use TDB, not whatever empty db you have there

Thanks it helped. I first filled in TDB. Next sql. And I have a suspicion that I downloaded the wrong TDB. There were a lot of them and I could be wrong. Now everything is working thanks.