[3.3.5] World.Conf NPC Damage Modifier Setting Not Working


I got my TrinityCore server up and running today and everything seems to be working nicely, except for the damage modifier to NPC settings like Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage, etc. Spell damage appears to be modified properly from my testing, but base damage modifiers seem to have no effect on creatures in the game no matter what I set it to, either in increasing or reducing damage. Everything seems to simply instead use its base damage, regardless of the settings applied here. I assume this is not intended, though am unsure if this is a bug in the core or an error on my part somewhere.

Health settings such as Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP seem to work as they should, as well as spell damage settings like Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage.

Edit: I initially thought this was all damage modifier settings but further testing has revealed that spell damage seems to be properly multiplied. Post has been revised accordingly to match the actual results I am seeing in game.