[7.1] Legion Development

Hi all,

in between of writing my dissertation (which is due to 5th of January 2017), i’ve decided to return back to TrinityCore.

There is nothing to do on the live servers so far, PTR content is already tested at its maximum and probably i’ll might even cancel my subscription.

So, i’ve decided to start working on the Legion stuff, since many of the core developers are trying to fix existing issues (there are many, why can’t i add even more? =D).

My plan is to provide a list of aims, which ill be crossing out as far as they are completed. Also, code of course will be publicly available (i am not a friend of “Fork” option on github, so excuse me) and all of the SQL and C++ will be shared. This is the GitHub repository - https://github.com/darki73/Legion . Scripts will be uploaded there once instance is at least 60% done (all bosses 75%+)

To begin with, i’ve decided to start with Maw of Souls instance, and it is my goal #1. Enough talking, lets move to business!

[ol][li]Maw of Souls[/li]

			[U]Ymiron, the Fallen King [/U]- 75% completed (Video from testing [https://youtu.be/Lwl6_Kir21w](https://youtu.be/Lwl6_Kir21w))
		[li][U]Harbaron[/U] - 65% completed (Video from testing [https://youtu.be/0FvR25llnaE](https://youtu.be/0FvR25llnaE))[/li]			
		[li][U]Helya[/U] - 25% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 35% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Halls of Valor[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Hymdal[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Hyrja[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Fenryr[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]God-King Skovald[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Odyn[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Darkheart Thicket[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Eye of Azshara[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Blackrook Hold[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Neltharion's Lair[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Vault of the Wardens[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

[li][B]Violet Hold[/B][/li]		[ol]
			[U]Bosses[/U] - 0% completed
		[li][U]Trash[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]World Quests[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			
		[li][U]Achievements[/U] - 0% completed[/li]			

As you can see, i will start with Maw of Souls, next one is Halls of Valor. I will try to provide video for each so-so working boss fight so you’ll be able to comment and correct me.

Thank you for your attention!

And i have a question straight away… How to tell what difficulty of the dungeon is selected?

I have found function [COLOR=rgb(0,134,179)]DUNGEON_MODE() however as far as i can see, it only takes two arguments (i assume normal and heroic), but what i want to find is if the dungeon is in mythic difficulty, or even simplier (if mythic system is not yet implemented), if dungeon is not normal and not heroic. Thank you for your help!

You need to call Map::GetDifficultyID(), that will give you an id for Difficulty.db2

Yep , thanks, found it already almost the same time as you posted (thanks to CLion with code browser), made it look like

Difficulty instanceDifficulty = instance->instance->GetDifficultyID();

So the first push is already in the repo. Ymiron is kind of done (missing some visuals), Helya is work in progress, but her destructor tentacle is already functioning properly. I apologise for the code quality. Still learning available methods, meanwhile have to “code like stupud”

With latest commit we now have working portals to the instance and out (I’ve no idea how instance portals work) so made a C++ script for that). Also added placeholders for instances and zones. Updates creature spawns for MoS. Finally sniffed The Naglfar object (ship itself) and cages. Other gameobject added aswell. Splitted SQL files for bosses and instance itself.

So, i guess i am done with coding for today, need to really focus on my dissertation (been coding for past 2 days nonstop). Harbaron script is now also in the repository. Updated main message.

B) :ph34r:

Cant say much more than “GOOD FREAKING JOB!” :smiley:

Oh, and “THANKS!”