Add Check to prevent creature from loading path_id that is not his GUID*10

simply to ensure its effective

my code is

WaypointMovementGenerator<Creature>::Update(Creature &unit, const uint32 &diff)


    if (!&unit)

        return true;

    if (!path_id)

        return false;

	if(path_id == unit.GetGUIDLow()*10)






	return false;



See :

The TDB standard way of assigning an ID is the GUID of the creature X 10.

So for a creature with a GUID of 1234 the path ID would be 12340. Any waypoints submitted to TDB should follow this standard.

I rather reguid them in the db then adding this check in the core /emoticons/default_smile.png

SELECT * FROM creature_addon WHERE path_id != guid*10 AND path_id > 0;