
Hello guys I bring one more contribution to the forum:

I took this script:

And I made some changes in it and adapted to current core


How it works:

Send challenge to another player through the npc or command,

by npc player choose a value from the list and type the name of the player a message automatically to the shredded player is sent it can accept through the npc or command,

to accept the two players will be teleported into a combat area, to finish the duel appeared an NPC teleporting where he can return to the place where he or dueling area of your server.


.desafiar ‘player name’ value 'without quotes Note: the first letter of the player either has to be capitalized.

.aceitar ‘player name’ without quotes

.cancelar ‘player name’ without quotes

.cancelar ‘everything’ without quote

to see the list of player you want to enter challenged:



Corrigindo erros

Could you use some pastebin, gist, some other download site or just attach it to the post?

The one there looks suspicious and seems to require either logging in, creating an account or using some program to download.

Obviously one would not want to do such.

  • justasuggestion

Can you give us your release version plz because thats not working with tc now

Try use this if you are still interested: