creature_equip_template Needs Updating

The Trinity Core Master tables may need a update in the field of creature_equip_template tables,
I have been parsing the data and come across many examples of a 4th ID slot for template,with the just 3 examples below.
They have wowhead links to the items they are pushing too. The WPP truncates the data from the fields (No Tables to commit too),
and the tables it needs to added to both TC/World-creature_equip_template,and WPP for extraction(table update).
Submitted By TAABOY 18-2-2017
UpdateType: CreateObject1
[2] Object Guid: Full: 0x203B18002005D00000222900021AA96B Creature/0 R3782/S8745 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 5952 (Den Grunt) Low: 35301739
[2] Object Type: 3 (Unit)
[2] NoBirthAnim: False
[2] EnablePortals: False
[2] PlayHoverAnim: False
[2] HasMovementUpdate: True
[2] HasMovementTransport: False
[2] Stationary: False
[2] HasCombatVictim: False
[2] HasServerTime: False
[2] HasVehicleCreate: False
[2] HasAnimKitCreate: False
[2] HasRotation: False
[2] HasAreaTrigger: False
[2] HasGameObject: False
[2] HasSmoothPhasing: False
[2] ThisIsYou: False
[2] SceneObjCreate: False
[2] HasPlayerCreateData: False
[2] MoverGUID: Full: 0x203B18002005D00000222900021AA96B Creature/0 R3782/S8745 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 5952 (Den Grunt) Low: 35301739
[2] MoveTime: 477527213
[2] Position: X: -629.2451 Y: -4243.979 Z: 38.37558
[2] Orientation: 1.470359
[2] Pitch: 0
[2] StepUpStartElevation: 0
[2] MoveIndex: 0
[2] Movement Flags: 1 (Forward)
[2] Extra Movement Flags: 0 (None)
[2] Has Transport Data: False
[2] Has Fall Data: False
[2] HasSpline: True
[2] HeightChangeFailed: False
[2] RemoteTimeValid: False
[2] WalkSpeed: 2.5
[2] RunSpeed: 8
[2] RunBackSpeed: 4.5
[2] SwimSpeed: 4.72222
[2] SwimBackSpeed: 2.5
[2] FlightSpeed: 7
[2] FlightBackSpeed: 4.5
[2] TurnRate: 3.141593
[2] PitchRate: 3.141593
[2] MovementForceCount: 0
[2] HasMovementSpline: True
[2] ID: 27640458
[2] Destination: X: -626.7934 Y: -4235.521 Z: 38.43595
[2] MovementSplineMove: True
[2] SplineFlags: 2097152 (Walkmode)
[2] Elapsed: 421
[2] Duration: 3924
[2] DurationModifier: 1
[2] NextDurationModifier: 1
[2] Face: 0
[2] HasJumpGravity: False
[2] HasSpecialTime: False
[2] PointsCount: 5
[2] Mode: 0 (Linear)
[2] HasSplineFilterKey: False
[2] HasSpellEffectExtraData: False
[2] [0] Points: X: -629.6093 Y: -4247.593 Z: 38.51315
[2] [1] Points: X: -629.3417 Y: -4244.937 Z: 38.41205
[2] [2] Points: X: -629.074 Y: -4242.281 Z: 38.31095
[2] [3] Points: X: -626.7934 Y: -4235.521 Z: 38.43595
[2] [4] Points: X: -626.7934 Y: -4235.521 Z: 38.43595
[2] PauseTimesCount: 0
[2] OBJECT_FIELD_GUID: 35301739/1.136275E-37
[2] 1: 2238720/3.137115E-39
[2] 2: 537251840/1.133436E-19
[2] 3: 540743680/1.584746E-19
[2] OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE: 9/1.261169E-44
[2] OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY: 5952/8.340528E-42
[2] OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0: 256/3.587324E-43
[2] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAY_POWER: 1/1.401298E-45
[2] UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH: 17258804/2.485958E-38
[2] UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH: 17258804/2.485958E-38
[2] UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER + 2: 5/7.006492E-45
[2] UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL: 115/1.611493E-43
[2] UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE: 85/1.191104E-43 (Orgrimmar)
[2] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID: 5289/7.411468E-42 –
[2] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 4: 2507/3.513055E-42 –
[2] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS: 32768/4.591775E-41
[2] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS_2: 2048/2.869859E-42
[2] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME: 2000/2.802597E-42
[2] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME + 1: 2000/2.802597E-42
[2] UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS: 1052669641/0.372
[2] UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH: 1069547520/1.5
[2] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID: 9797/1.372852E-41 (9797)
[2] UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_MOD_CAST_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE_REGEN: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_TIME_RATE: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2: 257/3.601337E-43
[2] UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT: 1065353216/1
[2] UNIT_FIELD_SCALE_DURATION: 100/1.401298E-43

[12] UpdateType: CreateObject1
[12] Object Guid: Full: 0x203B18002026654000222900049AA96B Creature/0 R3782/S8745 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 39317 (Northwatch Scout) Low: 77244779
[12] Object Type: 3 (Unit)
[12] NoBirthAnim: False
[12] EnablePortals: False
[12] PlayHoverAnim: False
[12] HasMovementUpdate: True
[12] HasMovementTransport: False
[12] Stationary: False
[12] HasCombatVictim: False
[12] HasServerTime: False
[12] HasVehicleCreate: False
[12] HasAnimKitCreate: True
[12] HasRotation: False
[12] HasAreaTrigger: False
[12] HasGameObject: False
[12] HasSmoothPhasing: False
[12] ThisIsYou: False
[12] SceneObjCreate: False
[12] HasPlayerCreateData: False
[12] MoverGUID: Full: 0x203B18002026654000222900049AA96B Creature/0 R3782/S8745 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 39317 (Northwatch Scout) Low: 77244779
[12] MoveTime: 477527314
[12] Position: X: -630.9167 Y: -4317.147 Z: 51.12849
[12] Orientation: 0.5585054
[12] Pitch: 0
[12] StepUpStartElevation: 0
[12] MoveIndex: 0
[12] Movement Flags: 0 (None)
[12] Extra Movement Flags: 0 (None)
[12] Has Transport Data: False
[12] Has Fall Data: False
[12] HasSpline: False
[12] HeightChangeFailed: False
[12] RemoteTimeValid: False
[12] WalkSpeed: 2.5
[12] RunSpeed: 8
[12] RunBackSpeed: 4.5
[12] SwimSpeed: 4.72222
[12] SwimBackSpeed: 2.5
[12] FlightSpeed: 7
[12] FlightBackSpeed: 4.5
[12] TurnRate: 3.141593
[12] PitchRate: 3.141593
[12] MovementForceCount: 0
[12] HasMovementSpline: False
[12] PauseTimesCount: 0
[12] AiID: 0
[12] MovementID: 565
[12] MeleeID: 0
[12] OBJECT_FIELD_GUID: 77244779/3.636081E-36
[12] 1: 2238720/3.137115E-39
[12] 2: 539387200/1.409425E-19
[12] 3: 540743680/1.584746E-19
[12] OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE: 9/1.261169E-44
[12] OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY: 39317/5.509485E-41
[12] OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0: 256/3.587324E-43
[12] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAY_POWER: 1/1.401298E-45
[12] UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH: 101/1.415311E-43
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH: 101/1.415311E-43
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER + 2: 5/7.006492E-45
[12] UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL: 2/2.802597E-45
[12] UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE: 190/2.662467E-43 (Ambient)
[12] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID: 5278/7.396053E-42 —
[12] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 4: 12523/1.754846E-41 —
[12] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS: 32768/4.591775E-41
[12] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS_2: 2048/2.869859E-42
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME: 2000/2.802597E-42
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME + 1: 2000/2.802597E-42
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS: 1050455048/0.306
[12] UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH: 1069547520/1.5
[12] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID: 31371/4.396013E-41 (31371)
[12] UNIT_FIELD_NATIVEDISPLAYID: 31371/4.396013E-41
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1: 8/1.121039E-44
[12] UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_MOD_CAST_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_RANGED_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE_REGEN: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_TIME_RATE: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2: 1/1.401298E-45
[12] UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT: 1065353216/1
[12] UNIT_FIELD_SCALE_DURATION: 100/1.401298E-43
UpdateType: CreateObject1
[24] Object Guid: Full: 0x243A900020241380000039000999CBC3 Vehicle/0 R3748/S57 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 36942 (Fledgling Brave) Low: 161074115
[24] Object Type: 3 (Unit)
[24] NoBirthAnim: False
[24] EnablePortals: False
[24] PlayHoverAnim: False
[24] HasMovementUpdate: True
[24] HasMovementTransport: False
[24] Stationary: False
[24] HasCombatVictim: True
[24] HasServerTime: False
[24] HasVehicleCreate: True
[24] HasAnimKitCreate: False
[24] HasRotation: False
[24] HasAreaTrigger: False
[24] HasGameObject: False
[24] HasSmoothPhasing: False
[24] ThisIsYou: False
[24] SceneObjCreate: False
[24] HasPlayerCreateData: False
[24] MoverGUID: Full: 0x243A900020241380000039000999CBC3 Vehicle/0 R3748/S57 Map: Kalimdor Entry: 36942 (Fledgling Brave) Low: 161074115
[24] MoveTime: 684932652
[24] Position: X: -2907.03 Y: -310.705 Z: 59.81593
[24] Orientation: 5.680968
[24] Pitch: 0
[24] StepUpStartElevation: 0
[24] MoveIndex: 0
[24] Movement Flags: 0 (None)
[24] Extra Movement Flags: 0 (None)
[24] Has Transport Data: False
[24] Has Fall Data: False
[24] HasSpline: True
[24] HeightChangeFailed: False
[24] RemoteTimeValid: False
[24] WalkSpeed: 2.5
[24] RunSpeed: 8
[24] RunBackSpeed: 4.5
[24] SwimSpeed: 4.72222
[24] SwimBackSpeed: 2.5
[24] FlightSpeed: 7
[24] FlightBackSpeed: 4.5
[24] TurnRate: 3.141593
[24] PitchRate: 3.141593
[24] MovementForceCount: 0
[24] HasMovementSpline: True
[24] ID: 75291441
[24] Destination: X: -2907.03 Y: -310.705 Z: 59.81593
[24] MovementSplineMove: False
[24] PauseTimesCount: 0
[24] RecID: 584
[24] InitialRawFacing: 5.742133
[24] OBJECT_FIELD_GUID: 161074115/3.702503E-33
[24] 1: 14592/2.044775E-41
[24] 2: 539235200/1.389779E-19
[24] 3: 607817728/4.045429E-17
[24] OBJECT_FIELD_TYPE: 9/1.261169E-44
[24] OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY: 36942/5.176677E-41
[24] OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_TARGET: 1938695/2.71669E-39
[24] UNIT_FIELD_TARGET + 1: 14592/2.044775E-41
[24] UNIT_FIELD_TARGET + 2: 539235264/1.389788E-19
[24] UNIT_FIELD_TARGET + 3: 540708864/1.580246E-19
[24] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0: 16777472/2.35106E-38
[24] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAY_POWER: 1/1.401298E-45
[24] UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH: 278/3.89561E-43
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MAXHEALTH: 328/4.596259E-43
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER + 2: 5/7.006492E-45
[24] UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL: 5/7.006492E-45
[24] UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE: 1935/2.711513E-42 (Actor Good)
[24] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID: 2023/2.834827E-42 ----
[24] UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 4: 49462/6.931102E-41 ----
[24] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS: 526336/7.375538E-40
[24] UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS_2: 2048/2.869859E-42
[24] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME: 2000/2.802597E-42
[24] UNIT_FIELD_BASEATTACKTIME + 1: 2000/2.802597E-42
[24] UNIT_FIELD_BOUNDINGRADIUS: 1063214121/0.8725
[24] UNIT_FIELD_COMBATREACH: 1081081856/3.75
[24] UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID: 33412/4.682018E-41 (33412)
[24] UNIT_FIELD_NATIVEDISPLAYID: 33412/4.682018E-41
[24] UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_MOD_CAST_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_RANGED_HASTE: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_HASTE_REGEN: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_MOD_TIME_RATE: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2: 257/3.601337E-43
[24] UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT: 1065353216/1
[24] UNIT_FIELD_SCALE_DURATION: 100/1.401298E-43