Discover-'s SAI-Editor (opensource)

Could you maybe add an option to change EVENT, ACTION and TARGET ids in the list to actual Texts? It’s more descriptive.

I’m not sure if I understand what you’re saying, could you try to explain it again?

If you mean being able to change the textboxes that come right after the comboboxes containing the events, actions and targets, this is already possible.

1.) I was trying to say to add an option to see the Event,action,target Enum names(like in the comboboxes) in the listview.

So basicly you’d see this:

id - link - event_type - phase_mask - action_type - target_type


instead of this:

id - link - event_type - phase_mask - action_type - target_type

1 0 25 0 28 1

2.) idea #2: Settings to change columns in the listview?

3.) idea #3 External file to store available Event, action and target types, and their parameters.

This would mean we’d be duplicating data. As shown in the image, it would be a matter of moving your eyes a few centimetres to see the actual action/event/target:

How do you mean ‘change columns’? You mean changing data inside the listview?

There already exists one, but it’s using the .db extension and is a SQLite database file. You can download a SQLite editor like SQLite Expert or Navicat (there are tons of applications supporting this, you can pick out of a lot).

I appreciate the suggestions, though. Please keep them coming! /emoticons/default_smile.png

When will it be ready to make SAI scripts?

The current revision is already capable of this. You will need to clone and compile the source yourself though. (VS 2012)

Like +Guybrush said, it’s already pretty much available. There’s still some missing features, functionality and a few bugs, but the main purpose of the application has already been achieved. /emoticons/default_smile.png

I wouldn’t mind uploading an early beta version of the application’s current state if you don’t know how to compile.

I compiled it, but i cannot modify the id, it’s constantly “-1”, please fix it, or tell me how to change that /emoticons/default_biggrin.png

One of the remaining issues is that the listview (so the container of all scripts) has a key of the entryorguid combined with the id. This means changing either of these fields is not possible, which is something pretty high on my TODO list.

In order to get around this issue, just check the ‘Lock’ checkbox and it will auto-increment.

I had another suggestion: colored script entries based on phase!


Already on the todo and started on this a short while ago but ended up not finishing it back then. Rotting away patch at desktop… /emoticons/default_smile.png

Instructions not clear enough, ended up with my dick stuck in a ceiling fan.

Download executables here of current state (unfinished still, but getting there pretty quickly): B [/B]

It would be amazing if you could add tabs or something similar to switch between multiple sai scripts or creatures.

This was already on the TODO (after the initial release, though) although I’m really unsure on how to make this look good. Reason for that is that we can’t just throw everything in a TabControl (

Current state of the application, getting ready to release it:

It’s looking great, keep it up


Hey dude

I am a C#/Java developer myself and would like to ask if you need assistance with this?

My core field have always been the GUI Design and functionality.

Well it’d be nice to have someone review the code from a different point of view, because obviously I feel like I write code the right away (otherwise I’d write it differently /emoticons/default_tongue.png). Besides that I could use a second opinion on the design as there’s a few people complaining about how the application looks right now. Any suggestions so far? /emoticons/default_smile.png

Thanks for the offer.