Docker Compose for master and 3.3.5a

I created a deployment project for TrinityCore that automates the setup process. The point is not to stop anyone from learning how to build Trinitycore, but to share hours of work that will (hopefully) make many people's lives easier. If I should not post it here, please let me know and I'll contribute in another way.

The deployment project is here:

It does two things that I think will help folks:

  1. The build/install/configuration is scripted and the project spins up a server with a simple “docker compose up” command.
  2. It is configured in such a way that allows master and 3.3.5a servers to run on the same host connected to the same auth db.

My main reason for doing this was to get the two servers running together in a manageable way. Even if you don’t want to use the project, it will be useful to have a look at the project files to see how it could all work together.