Fresh setup world database issues 3.3.5 [solved]

Hello all -
I’ve been away from the server stuff for a while, and wanted to set up a little 335 server to mess around on with some friends. Got the server built and maps made, mmaps generated, etc etc etc…

I imported the sql as always.
noticed that the world DB was hosted as a release on github now, instead of the “releases” section here on the forums. (apparently that happened a while back. Yep, it has been that long since I messed with any of this)

So, I imported the world sql, dated 4/2, (april 4) configured the little things in the world server I like to change, and ran it. It started blowing up saying that update files were missing, but had been applied. Indeed, there are no update files on the 3.3.5 branch (where they normally are, (in my case, TrinityCore/sql/updates/world) but there are a few in TrinityCore/sql/updates/world/3.3.5. Going back to Jan of this year.
I am getting a ton of errors about missing colums, etc right before the server dies, as well.
So, what happens is
Start worldserver -
shows auth and char dbs are good to go
starts complaining about files missing for world db updates
does that for a couple seconds.
Dies and says there are missing colums/fields in the world db.


So, here’s the short version since I took the time to type all that out. Because it’s late and I should have had my grandpa A** in bed 2 hours ago -

Is there a different process or location to import the world SQL for 3.3.5a?

Nothing special happening. Just want to import the world DB and start it up and go.
Everything else went smooth as could be.
And I’m kinda shocked that I got hung on the DB setup at any point. I mean, I’ve been messing with mangos, trinity, going back as far as arcemu and all the little branches here and there.


Anyway, if there’s something i’m missing here, please let me know.



Never mind - I didn’t think it would be all super automatic now. It’s all super automatic.


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