[Help] I need help with a revive script.

Hey guys.

i hope that someone can pelase help me with this script.

it is a script for my custom free for all area.

this teleports a player to a certain place when he dies near that area.

soo what i want is a script that teleports a player to that area(already done) and then what i dont have is i want it to instantly revive the player when he clicks release spirit and also a check if he is horde or ally they should spawn in dirrent places

Here is what i have so far.

[CODE]#include “ScriptPCH.h”

class ffa_grave : public PlayerScript



ffa_grave() : PlayerScript("ffa_grave") {}

void OnPVPKill(Player* killer, Player* killed)


    if (killed->GetMapId() == 1 && killed->GetZoneId() == 15)


	    killed->TeleportTo(1, -2654.183594f, -4726.459961f, 5.246446f, 3.930568f);



void OnPlayerKilledByCreature(Creature* killer, Player* killed)


    if (killed->GetMapId() == 1 && killed->GetZoneId() == 15)


	    killed->TeleportTo(1, -2654.183594f, -4726.459961f, 5.246446f, 3.930568f);




void AddSC_ffa_grave()


new ffa_grave();


ty and i hope someone can help me /emoticons/default_wink.png.