How do I set up visual studio?

Hello guys, a rather stupid question so I’m sorry about that, but I would like to understand how the development process is working as I’m not really sure.

So after setting the project we have 2 folders, the source code and the build(solution). In the visual studio you’re supposed to open the solution that’s in the build.

The dumb question is, how do you set up the whole process with git? Do you clone the source code, open the build solution and then simply commit changes? I’m not referring to actually working on the trinitycore repository, so not getting into pull requests etc.

That’s a really stupid question, but I’m not quite sure about this one. Thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

Don’t exactly understand your question but …

VS isn’t using only the build folder. It’s using also the source code folder. Mainly in the build folder are configuration files and meta files from the compiler and from the linker.

In the Git repository you need the source files only. There is no need to have a version control of the autocreated files in the build folder.