How Should We Handle World State & AreaPoI updates?

[CENTER]The Context[/CENTER]

DB rev. 335.63

World: update to 2017_07_21_01_world

Character: updated to 2017_04_19_00_characters

Auth: updated to 2017_06_28_00_auth

Trinitycore branch 3.3.5

Core Rev. 1de89579c75f7b5d5028b162334fa496832a093c

The reason I am writing this is to learn more about object oriented programming, acclimating myself to large scale projects, and how to more effectively contribute to Trinitycore & others.

Both the Wintergrasp battle field and Culling of Strahlome instance have things in common: World States & AreaPOI updates are not sent to the client either at the appropriate time or, in some cases at all.

Here is the data and how to recreate circumstances for bug to occur

[li]Start your server[/li]
[li]Log into game (either faction)[/li]
[li]Open map and minimize it[/li]
[li]Teleport to Wintergrasp[/li]
[li]Approach the door separating the Vault of Archavan and the Titan Relic from players, stay.[/li]
[li]type the following commands in order: a] ‘bf enable 1’, b] ‘bf start 1’, c] ‘bf switch 1’[/li]
[li]Observe how AreaPOI’s and Worldstate updates do not occur[/li]
The update to AreaPOIs & Worldstates will occur when you are prompted to join the battle

In the Culling of Strathlome the white flags that indicate where NPC’s have been spawned are not displayed.

[CENTER]The Question[/CENTER]

[CENTER]preface: I realize my question may demonstrate a lack of Trinitycore knowledge, let me have exactly it. :slight_smile: [/CENTER]

While these are just two examples; one inside of an instance an another in 'the open world', there are several more occurrences I did not mention in both categories throughout the game; Outland PvP zone(s), escort quest in Razorfen Kraul insstance, and more in the Caverns of Time. It appears the World states up top (Vehicles, Time Remaining, Controlled, Plague Crates Revealed, and Wave Count, ect.) and the AreaPoI's (Wintergrasp Fortress Wall, and Town's square, ect.) updates are not being sent to client when they should across the board. What would be the best way to fix these systems? Rewriting the battle field and Culling of Strathlome instance scripts, or implementing a new World State Mgr class?

Thanks for taking the time to read, I look forward to reading back from you guys. Been a while~ <#<3