How to add a sound on GameObject ?

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]Hi there,[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]I’m looking since many day how to add a sound on Game Object like for example : TrollDrumSoundObj.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]If someone has the answers, its will be perfect :slight_smile: [/FONT][/SIZE]


This should be in the custom codes section…

Anyhow, you can use an AI script, then use the ID from the sound list, like 7294 or 10861. Assuming that you are asking about 335a version.

I can give more tidbits. Just need to ask in the right forums section.

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This thread is not related to the official Trinity codebase and was moved to the Custom Code section.
Please read the stickies next time.
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Hello, and many thank for your answer, yes its a 335a version.

i have found the “[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]TrollDrumSoundObj[/FONT][/SIZE]”. who is a gameObject with sound inside, so my question is : How they have made this, cause i would like make the same.

Sorry, i don’t understand, what did you reference when you talk about 7294, 10861 ? where did you find it ?


All the sound IDs are here from the DBC

Check out

This will make things a bit easier to understand how they work. You can import this sql, start up your core, and add the jukebox. It uses the SAI to play the music, but will help you understand how it works.

Credit goes to @Rochet2

Wonderfull, you made my day :slight_smile: