Illegal instruction error from wow client

I am having a problem running wow on a lan machine separate from the server.
The wow client starts up, I can log in and out, I can create or delete character but when I try to load the character wow crashes with an illegal instruction error. Is this something that is being worked on and/or is there some information to get it working.

My setup is as follows:

Wow client:

  • on remote windows pc
  • windows pc firewall default (allow all outgoing connections)
  • set portal (ip of trinity server)

Wow Trinity linux server:

  • Firewall open on ports: 1119 3724 8081 8085 8086

bnetserver.conf: (server ip address. Note: this is not documented in your building instructions as far as I could see)

Database on server:

  • auth.realmlist.address: (as above, also this is ip of server)
    • note: this would be set to if wow client is running locally
  • auth.realmlist.gamebuld: 52649

I am having the same issue. Fresh Trinity as of today, fresh compile, fresh VM, and fresh client. fresh fresh fresh.

I can get in, make a character. Before this it was just saying world server is down and kicking me back to char selection. I restarted the world server and now logging in results in client crash.

Highlighted is what is spit out during login.

Same here,
compiled it on debian, ubuntu and windows. No change.

Any advice would be appriciated

After latest update and the use of Arctium launcher 1.0.0 the error is gone and the game is stable again, for me

So working now like what THSundancer said. Just updated wow client and Arctium launcher to 1.0.0. :slight_smile: