Missing *_Loot_Template

Hello all, I’m new here and I come from MaNGOS. I used UDB as database contents.

I compared UDB and TDB about loot, checking which loot is missing in TDB, assuming that “udb” is the name of my world database with udb contents and “tdb” is the name of my world database with tdb contents:

[CODE]-- creature_loot_template
SELECT entry,lootid FROM tdb.creature_template WHERE entry IN (SELECT entry FROM udb.creature_template WHERE lootid!=0) AND lootid=0;

– skinning_loot_template
SELECT entry,skinloot FROM tdb.creature_template WHERE entry IN (SELECT entry FROM udb.creature_template WHERE skinloot!=0) AND skinloot=0;

– pickpocketing_loot_template
SELECT entry,pickpocketloot FROM tdb.creature_template WHERE entry IN (SELECT entry FROM udb.creature_template WHERE pickpocketloot!=0) AND pickpocketloot=0;

– gameobject_loot_template
SELECT entry,data1 FROM tdb.gameobject_template WHERE entry IN (SELECT entry FROM udb.gameobject_template WHERE data1!=0 AND type=3) AND data1=0;[/code]

As you can see, there are some loot template which is missing on tdb. Is there any reason for that or they need just to be implemented? If it’s the second, I can work of them.


Possibly the latter.

what are the results of those queries, how many do you recon we are " missing" and how many of them truely matter ingame?

Here the fix of the creature_loot_template bugged, I added the reference 26044 (that is missing in tdb).


Note: I imported the spawned ones only to avoid import of useless data.