Multi Vendor


as you see in the title i want to make a npc that is the multi vendor

you can see what i mean here :

i found the script in here :

but there is a lot of core editing and i think it made some problems as the SSL problems .

i try’d it before . it crap !

pretend that you have a npc and when you click on it you have this gossips

One hand weapon

two hand weapon

range weapon

when you click on one hand weapon you see all the one hand weapon that you added to the vendor in someway

you click on two hand you see the two hands that you added before

and more .

i appreciated any guide or help .

thanks .

any idea ?

This should go to custom code. Not in help and support.

Also, do a little search on the foruns. I think there’s already a custom npc that do that… you only have to add the tree of items to it.

i search all the forums , here , ac web and more more more

the only one is that i mentioned in the first post is what i want . ( but its broken )

if you know somewhere i really glad to have link .

thanks .

Maybe it needs updating to work with the actual revisions, but here is it!

i saw that npc before , its not what i want

actually i wrote one of those by my self .

but at the end i hove no idea about multi vendor npc .

for example :

i think the best idea is create 3 sub npc and 1 master npc

the master npc have 3 gossip that when you click on it , it shows the vendor of the 3 other npcs.

for example for glyphs :

npc1 : Rogue Glyphs

npc2 : Mage Glyphs

npc3 : Priest Glyphs

MasterNpc Gossip Menu :

1- Rogue Glyph

2- Mage Glyph

3- Priest Glyph

and when you click on the gossips it shows the vendor of one of the npc’s .

i tryed this before , but as the


need the npc guid for showing the vendor , i got failed :confused:

The link i showed you can do what you want (and also many other things), just see how it works and make it happen.

srsly i read that script 3 times and i cant find where is that vendor

it just mentioned in the titles special vendor !

but there is nothing about the vendor in that script .

currect me if im wrong

thanks .

still stuck in this thing :confused:

I’m working on getting that older Multi Vendor Gossip NPC script to work, but I just can’t figure it out, and it’s out dated. Is there a more simple solution to code a NPC that has list of options, example below:



Once you click on the NPC you have a list of weapon types such as:

1H Swords

1H Axes

2H Swords

2H Axes



and when you click on one of those options it opens up a Vendor in that spot that is already made.

If I could get some help on this or even a script that does it already that is working with TrinityCore. I would really appreciate it,


thats what i wanted before /emoticons/default_smile.png

Did you ever get it working or find a working more updated script Cloze?

as i mentioned in the first post , there is only one option for doing this , but its ***** up the core … !

lot of changes in the core .

it must be the easier way to do this .

I’m sure there is an easier way to do this. I would work on one if I knew more C++, I’m learning quickly, but I still have a long ways to go.

Here is full code … greetings from slovakia !

Sorry haven’t read the whole thread.

What is the problem exactly ?

Multiple vendors should be fairly easy to do inside a single gossip it does require another creature though.

You could make said creature (vendor) invisible then have the gossip get that creatures guid then send the inventory list.

Creature * npc_Multi_vendor = player->FindNearestCreature(10000, 10.0f, true);


	 return true;

player->GetSession()->SendListInventory(npc_Multi_vendor ->GetGUID());

thats the idea , but not the solution /emoticons/default_smile.png

Its a work around for sure, can’t really think of another way.