[nightbane-karazhan] problem gameobject script invoke bossai

rencent i wrote a object script to active boss nightbane inside karazhan.

this is i define objectscript for “Blackened Urn” entry: 194092.

this script can triggered and invoke methon from bossai . is work fine.


this ai of boss nightbane.

when after objectscript has triggered and invoke function “moveToUrnAndStartAttack()” is working fine, until move to destination.

but boss does not attack me .i wrote log in the callback function entercombat() is not work too.

i don’t know why.



here is npc info after script executed.


Its only a idea, i don’t know it for sure, but maybe the player Pointer is not any more valid at this point.

Pass the Player Guid to the Boss AI Method and get player there by guid