[Patch] Transmogrification 3.3.5a

So just grab script from OLD section ?

Is that one updated?

That is the old one (3.2)

Start over → no transmog in core and just do as the readme tells you


Add the Transmogrification.cpp to your solution through Cmake or VS. The Transmogrificaiton.cpp should already be in your scripts/Custom folder. (The patch you applied earlier should have created it there)

Because pItem is hungarian notation and is recomended to don’t use hungarian notation, some ppl cleanups hungarian notation, but it looks some remains are there yet /emoticons/default_tongue.png

I have one question… : sry but how I can add this dff file?

The diff file should be in your source folder and you should be in your source folder with git, then use:

git apply Transmogrification.diff

Ignore all warnings, errors are the only thing that will interrupt it from getting applied.

If you get errors, notify me about them.

Also reading the errors and using common sense is allowed /emoticons/default_tongue.png

Is there any chance you can also make the current version (3.3) a single custom cpp file (like the old 0.1 version one) to add it as a custom script? it’s just that my current core is a bit outdated and the diff patch one will definetly not apply /emoticons/default_sad.png

Would be very much appreciated, thanks /emoticons/default_smile.png

Need Cleaning Code

Rochet2, Hungarian notation aside I like your code, keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure you’re wondering what they’re referring to when they tell you to clean up your code, here’s a link → http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/6-trinitycore-developing-standards/ … The standards are not exactly hard, in fact for most of it you can just configure your IDE to do for you, I’m sure you’d have no trouble adjusting and thus making these folks happy at the same time.

Thanks for understanding :3

Uhh … Ill try reading that up soon.

No, not really. It cant be a 100% one cpp file.

Some parts could be in the cpp like earlier, but not really.

There is no a single good reason to use outdated cores.

i dont know if its this custom patch or not (i have no other custom patches) most NPCs are wielding hammers and im pretty sure it wasnt like this before i put the patch on


Very odd.

Ill check if the method affects units too.

It shouldnt though, since its a player method and only for equipping … odd indeed.

Not sure if I can figure it out EVEN if it is from the patch.

Ok so taking all the files from the Old version folder https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0Bx5knS2IsjatekhGdmVZSTNNRGM/edit?docId=0Bx5knS2IsjatUk5fR0VVbHhzMTg (which is the only one that currently applies to my core) and following instructions in readme.txt Added all sql, patch and ccp scripts, compiled with no errors, added sql’s with no errores, patch with no errors, I log into the game, right click the npc and nothing happens, so my question is, are the files in old version supposed to be sufficient enough to make it work or did I miss something? thanks.

Old is old for a reason.

Sure it /should/ be sufficient I think.

I only changed it into a full patch and core modification in the new one (so far)

Are you sure the NPC has the right scriptname, the script was added to your solution, there were no compilation errors, the patch applied fine?

I got some sort of localization set up now.

Not sure if its good or if trinity_string is supposed to be used at all for such purpose, but the other tables didnt quite supply what I needed.

But anyways, it would be REALLY nice if you could test if the system actually works for russian (or some other language than english)

trinity_strings contains the option texts and popup texts as well as the areatrigger messages and notifications.

Item names need to be translated to their own locales_item table, which is in trinitycore by default.


Check out the latest version changes.

Noob question…

Can I just add the new version over top of the old one ?

Dont want to have to redo my whole source with all my custom scripts etc etc /emoticons/default_tongue.png

I dont think it should do that at all … : /

Also, I dont get it on my NPCs.

No, you cant.

But you dont /need/ to update.

There are no fixes in this update.

Just code “cleaning” for TrinityCore standards, localization (no translations provided yet, but you can add them yourself) and stuff like that …

Thanks Rochet2… great work as always.

How about change the gold cost thing to config instead? /emoticons/default_smile.png

Hmm, good point.

Though … I dont yet know how to make configs and there are not many features I can think of to put in it.