[Patch] Transmogrification 3.3.5a

The revert patches are for people who installed the earlier versions and now need to undo the changes.

If you are installing it to a core with no transmogrification yet, all you need are the “Transmogrification” files, not the ones with version numbers on them.

I will folder them properly now.

Read the readme.

I doubt a bit that it will be handled like this in cataclysm.

I sugest you to use http://www.trinitycore.org/f/pastebin/ to put your code, also to create a single .patch file with all the content, clone a clean repo, put your files, then use “git add .” then git diff “hash previous to your commit” > Transmogrification.patch and you can have all the code on a single file without the need of add new files /emoticons/default_smile.png

I mean, could you, if it possible, make gossip texts available through DB to make this patch multilingual?

Just to make multilingual patch, and if patch have translates for your server (e.g. Spanish and Russian), server will use this languages instead of English

I tried looking into that, but it seems quite difficult.

I really need some help with this one if I am going to make it.

Related topic:



[ul][li]3.3 (redone patch)[/li]
[li]Transformed the script into a full coremod instead of having some code in the gossip script. This allows the transmogrification methods to be used on any item anywhere.[/li]
[li]Changed the way fake display entries are stored in the core. Instead of having a new variable for the item class, I am now having a contained, much like locales have.[/li]
[li]Changed the files into one patch file like Aokromes suggested. You can find the DB table creation SQLs from sql/characters_transmogrification/[/li]
[li]Removed prepared statements[/li]
[li]Fake display entries are now loaded when the server starts up. All nonexistant item guids will be deleted before loading and when loading, all invalid item entries are deleted (deleted some custom items aye?[/li]
[li]Note the changed installation![/li]

Cannot patch…

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 4


Same error (sort of)

fatal: git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line 4

Download the file from google drive, something is making the file invalid on pastebin.

New Errors…

Any ideas ?

warning: src/server/game/Entities/Item/Item.cpp has type 100644, expected 100755warning: src/server/game/Entities/Item/Item.h has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Entities/Item/ItemPrototype.h has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.cpp has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.h has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Globals/ObjectMgr.cpp has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Globals/ObjectMgr.h has type 100644, expected 100755

warning: src/server/game/Scripting/ScriptLoader.cpp has type 100644, expected 100755

error: patch failed: src/server/game/Scripting/ScriptLoader.cpp:1243

error: src/server/game/Scripting/ScriptLoader.cpp: patch does not apply

warning: src/server/game/World/World.cpp has type 100644, expected 100755

Scriptloader seems to be having something that prevents the patch from applying.

try using an untouched scriptloader and then applying the patch. Add the other modifications to scriptloader after that.

@nvrsbr please use the -v flag so we can see what it failed on exactly.

[SIZE=12px][FONT=Arial]Not sure what to tell you…[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px][FONT=Arial]Fresh Source my patches / fixes etc … NO issues[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px][FONT=Arial]Fresh Source with your Patch and I get multiple compile errors ?[/FONT][/SIZE]

If you are getting the warnings, it is OK.

What are the errors on a fresh, clean source?


replace pPlayer to player

replace pItem to item

replace pBag to bag

and fix codestyle

after if and for add brackets


Why would I use item instead of pItem?

I mean, what is the reason for that? Its just a name for a variable, besides, pItem is used in the core also.

Same for the rest of them.

What do you mean with fixing code style? For example …?

Why add brackets if they are not needed? - Also in the core

Ok this is what I am getting when compiling…

Error 5762 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “void __cdecl AddSC_NPC_Transmogrify(void)” (?AddSC_NPC_Transmogrify@@YAXXZ) referenced in function “void __cdecl AddCustomScripts(void)” (?AddCustomScripts@@YAXXZ) C:Buildsrcserverworldservergame.lib(ScriptLoader.obj) worldserver

Error 5763 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals C:BuildbinReleaseworldserver.exe worldserver

How odd …

Check that scriptloader.cpp is correct and that the cpp exists.

Btw. did you add Transmogrification.cpp to your solution?

Might add that to the patch too to make it easier …

I didnt… you say on the first page to just apply patch then execute sql.

Thats what doing stuff 3am does to you.

Well, just start over and read the readme or just add the script to your solution.

And would you mind keeping in one thread?