Quest missing in trinitycore master dragonflight

hye im new with trinitycore and im still learning, i sucessfully install and run trinitycore server side and client side.

now my problem is when i playing the game in dragonflight (retail client) i encounter many missing quest and also many npc that suppose to give quest missing.i can’t progress even at starting point the quest finish after Lana Jordan give quest to me.

how do i fix this ?? is there a way to make all the dragonflight or all expansion quest available? is this normal?? or am i missing something when setting up the server ?

can anyone make me understand how to make the missing quest available like in retail version? is there any tutorial?

core : TrinityCore/TrinityCore: TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340, wotlk_classic = (

TDB : Release TDB 1025.24021 · TrinityCore/TrinityCore (

OS : Ubuntu 22.04

It is absolutely normal to have no content, remember master branch is experimental, if you wanna play something stable use 3.3.5 branch instead.