[Quest] The Battered Hilt

Hi all,

I’m using

TrinityCore Hash: d23fb7128ee3+ (Win64, Release (little-endian))

TDB 335.11.39

TDBAI 335.0.3

Anyway, I’m trying to fix the whole Battered hilt quest line(http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14443) and this is my first problem.

The quest doesn’t OfferRewardText in my DB, So I thought: easy fix. Well its not.

I used this query and Restarted the core, and restarted my wow making sure to delete the Cache folder.

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `OfferRewardText` = '<Caladis takes the hilt from you and slowly turns it over in his hands.>$B$BThis seems somehow familar, as though I should know its origins. You say you recovered this in the citadel? Most intriguing.$B$BThere are few who possess the ability to make such a blade. Perhaps they can tell us something about your find.' WHERE `entry` = 14443; -- The text upon completing the quest. [/SQL]
However, when I handed the quest in to Caldis Brightspear, there was no text! only a Required item.

Am I doing something Insanely stupid or is there more to this ?

EDIT-- Yes I was Stupid, but I don’t want to waste a good thread so Does Anyone know what the RequestItemsText is ?

It’s the text when you’re trying to finish a quest but you don’t have it all completely done, for example, killing 10 monsters, but you only killed 8 and you’re talking to a questgiver about the quest.

The RequestItemsText is for when you are going to click ‘continue’ which brings you to the next tab: OfferRewardText which has the ‘Complete Quest’ button.

[CODE]-- The text upon completing the quest
UPDATE quest_template SET RequestItemsText = “$B$BThis seems somehow familar, as though I should know its origins. You say you recovered this in the citadel? Most intriguing.$B$BThere are few who possess the ability to make such a blade. Perhaps they can tell us something about your find.” WHERE entry = 14443;[/sql]

This should do it.

EDIT: Actually, this is indeed really strange…


Well all the problems I originally had are fixed now, I don’t know how but it works now.

I am doing the whole quest line, when I am complete I will post all the sql’s there.

I think this is because of the < & >, i noticed a while ago they never appear ingame.