Quest with "speak to..." requirements?


After searching for a while, I can’t find a good example on how to properly implement a quest that only requires the player to speak to some NPCs. Here’s an example of such a quest:

Do I need to write a smart AI script? Or can it be done via the quest_template table? More importantly, how to give credits to the quest once the player speak with the NPCs?

Thank you!

You don’t need smart AI scripts.

quest_template, creature_queststarter, creature_questender are some of the tables you may need. Check the wiki for the meaning of these tables.


any ways…death… that particular quest is using gossips and sai to complete the objectives and run proper events that follow if you have done retail to know what these events are /emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif (and yes i have retail accounts and do know exactly what happens there). You DO NOT change quest template for that… thats lazy and definately not blizz like as i have seen a lot lately.

As I understand he is only looking to create a custom ‘speak to’ quest.

may be, but i was going off of the fact that he pointed to a particular quest and that one does indeed involve gossips and sai as it is working properly for my test server… if he is refering to custom then i believe that discussion is in wrong section of forum.

Its not custom, I was looking for the proper way to implement such a quest. So I will look into the SAI thing, haven’t used it yet.

I’m currently re-doing the whole Deathknell Graves part because I felt it was missing a lot of stuff and was far from being 8lizz like.

Should I always use the SAI system for all quests implementation? Is the quest_template table deprecated?

In most cases you will find your self with many different type of quest crediting. Some are:

-Kill npc/go

  • bring item

  • Explore area

  • Nothing

  • Special Event (special_flags=2)

In many cases you will find talk only to be noted as nothing special. (Accept quest at npc A and turn it in at npc /emoticons/default_cool.png. Some might have kill credit. Those can come from spell.