Question About Daily Quests


So, I’m trying to fix up Argent Tournament quests, and I have a question about it:

This NPC should give me (randomly) one of these 3 quests:

Well, he does give me the quests, but I can get all of them every day.

Do I need to set some conditions for him to start only 1 (random) quest per day?

Please, if you could give me some leads I’d appreciate it /emoticons/default_wink.png

use tables pool_template + pool_quest :slight_smile:

I understand perfectly now /emoticons/default_smile.png

Thank you very much!

Take a look at:

That looks amazing!

I do know that’s a patch, right? The thing I don’t know is how to put it my core… Should I compile with something?

Could you give me a hand, please /emoticons/default_smile.png

Anyway, thanks a lot for that !

That patch needs to be extremely updated, no one cared about it for months.

I’ve been putting a couple of hours into Argent Tournament, so if you tell me how to apply/add stuff to the patch I could probably finish some stuff off. So I can upload it and if you see its good enough maybe take it or what ever.

Thanks /emoticons/default_smile.png

Inky this was updated about 7 months ago so it is very outdated and I’m not certain how blizz-like it is, but it could probably help and save you some time if you are trying to fix the tournament quests.

I was planing to do that but unfortunately I wont have any free time to do so in the near future.

P.S. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the information there is correct and that I wasn’t able to find the author ( tassader1000 ) to get his permission/input on using his code.

Its really no problem, I’ll try to look into this. I saw a couple of cool stuff on the conditions that I didn’t know, I’ll search for more info to see if they’re correct…

Thanks a lot /emoticons/default_wink.png