I’m just wondering if this was an actual mechanic or something Trinity did as a workaround for some bizarre issue.
Before I bug report it, I wanted to get some input. To me it feels wrong and I think minions should be saved to the DB in the same fashion Hunter pets are (ie: current pet, buffs, health, etc).
These are a few reasons where this makes sense:
[ul][li]The minion loses all its buffs[/li]Example: You just used a Scroll of Stamina on it and then had to log out. That buff is gone when you resummon it at next login. Since scrolls are largely made by Inscription, that’s money wasted if
you bought it.
[li]The refunded shard is lost if your bags are full[/li]
[li]The pet is not immediately available on login, Warlocks have to spend 10 seconds (without talents)[/li]casting their summon.
[ul]If grouped, party members have to wait
[li]If you log in and aggro something you have to attempt to cast through pushback and hope you survive.[/li][/ul]
I played both Warlock and Hunter on retail (note: I stopped my Warlock at the end of TBC) and don’t remember pets being unsummoned and shards refunded. In fact, I spent some time searching and only found this relevant to pre-Cata:
Soul Shards were refunded to the player if their pet despawned under the following circumstances, providing that the pet required a Soul Shard to be summoned:
- If the player and their pet become seperated by too great a distance.[/li][li]Zoning under certain circumstances.[/li][li]When the player chooses to relearn their talents at a class trainer.[/li][li]When the player switches from one talent specialization to another using Dual Talent Specialization.